GD One Of A Kind World Tour in Malaysia!!

So...... It's been a long, long time since I wrote any blog posts and today, i'll be writing one on GD's solo concert in MY just like 2-3 days ago. Let me have a moment here: GD IS ING AMAZING. OMG AGDBIAKABHKADSBKHD... Ok. I went to watch GD with my mum (she's a VIP too) and we got rock zone tickets. I was really worried at first because as usual, rock zone tickets are free standing and that means you'll get pushed and shoved around a lot but I was kinda teeny weeny bit lucky as I was taller than most people there once I stand on tip toes (not boasting). On the day, I actually had my classmate who lined up earlier there and I decided to snoop to her spot which was like in front of the stage but at the corner area (I don't know how to explain it) and it was the BEST spot EVER because as the concert progressed, GD appeared from the curtain at my side. I. FREAKED. OUT. I didn't realize he was there until like everyone turned their attention towards my side and oh boy.... GD is just so, so handsome up close. His tattoos were so cool and seeing him perform right in front of me was just so UNREAL. The only thing between me and him was the railing and floor. He was literally one meter away from me!!! If only there was a makeshift ladder there, I bet he would've came down to interact with the fans. He was so adorable and cheesy.. He posed for us when he saw us taking his pictures! LOL For a lot of times, GD came to my side and well, I got lots of his close up pictures. Then, came his homie, YB! Unfortunately, YB didn't come over to my area when he was performing his solo BUT during encore, where GD sang Crayon, Breathe and Bad Boy, YB appeared on stage again and this time, he was at my area for a long, long time. He danced, sang, did his moves and took of his sunglasses. SWEAR TO GOD, HIS SMILE IS SOOOOO ADORABLE. *ahem* he was really shy as many of us were waving at him and stuff so he was laughing and kept giving us those cute eyesmiles. *ermergawd* Summing up the whole concert, I LOVED IT. Nuff said. It was artistic most of the time and I really, really LOVED GD's performance on Obsession and She's Gone. It was so dark like the song titles and yet artistic. MichiGo as the opening act was so cool. Yes, he was using his cane AGAIN but man... He looked so HOT with it. The dance was crazy and as usual, all the songs were remixed here and there for concert version. Did I mention about the band?! They were so cool! All the songs were played really nicely (remixed ver) and I totally loved the drum beats and guitar. Because of the hot weathr, GD was sweating so much. Like SO MUCH. When the camera zoomed in on him, I could see sweat dripping from his chin and when he wiped it with the back of his hand, it literally looked like he just came out from the shower. Malaysia have been in hot weather and bad haze lately but that didn't stop GD. Though he looked tired during Crayon and Fantastic Baby performance, he was fighting so hard to not give up. There was a short few seconds where he was doing something to his mouth and I suspect he might've chocked...? Also, he was so tired that he sat down on the stage and let us sing for him. Luckily, all the fans were singing along thru the whole concert. He sat on the stage, laughed and clapped as we sang. It was so cute but on the other hand, I could see he was determined to get up and finish his show. After he got up, it was at the chorus part and we were singing loudly so he just did the dance then he sang a few more lines before squatting down between the dancers. It really pained me to watch him in that state but like the undying star he is, he popped back right up and got all the VIPs cheering and screaming for him again. It was such a meaningful concert to me and i don't think i'll be able to forget how wasted his face looked when he got tired and sat down but after hearing everyone sing for him, he bounced right back up and plastered that sweet smile of his. Showing his determination and gratitude. If I had the chance, I would definitely go back and watch him perform all over again and buying such expensive tickets were so worth it. Not to mention, I travelled 2 hours to Kuala Lumpur and lined up outside the stadium for about 1-2 hours then waited another hour inside the stadium. But it was all worth it. VERY worth it. Thank you GDRAGON, Kwon JiYong. You are just amazing. And... Thank 'you' for reading. :)


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