soup. writing. soup. ;___;

sabaw (n.) [Filipino]: soup in English. yum.


I usually use this term to describe whenever my brain refuses to function on the thinking part because of circumstances (insert whatever thing that can turn your brain into a state of soup).

Migraine spells are back, but GDI why does it have to strike when I have the power to type something sensible (aka fanfics)? ;___; 


Anyway. Stuff from Ernest Hemingway:


"Write drunk, edit sober." 

thank you very much for reminding me that I wrote one of my works when I was half-drunk :))


"The first draft of anything is ." 

True story. :)) I'll keep this in mind xD


Fangull stuff.

Though I know this is a rumor case EXO really knows how to speak Japanese, then... 

*looks at all the jap series*


somebody teach Kai how to Haiku



neurons defunct,
time comes to a stop
ba dump. ba dump.
knees weak,
throat dry
can't even utter a single 'Hi'
whenever you pass by.



► Jo Ayin.
Migraine is toning down. Temporarily. Will write something sensible later. Pardon the poetry . It will be entitled "Sabaw". XD



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baconator0506 #1
but but but... I think they got it from watching prawn.