20 Confessions

20 confessions

  1. I hate being alone in dark rooms.

  2. Even though I’m 19, I still sleep with toy animals.

  3. I really want to be in a relationship, but my previous relationships went so bad that I’m afraid of it.

  4. I’m a really shy person in real life, but talk a lot with people online.

  5. Even though I’m with my friends I can still feel alone.

  6. I really love boys with blonde hair.

  7. I wish I was born in Asia. (Denmark is so boooooring at times TT.TT)

  8. I only have 1 friend I consider really close.

  9. I tell more secrets to people, I don’t know on the internet than my family.

  10. I really don’t like Danish boys that much, I can be friends with them but they never get more than that. (maybe because I have really bad experience with them ><)

  11. I really hate storms ><

  12. I buy too many k-pop things online.

  13. I have a soft spot for cute things.

  14. When I see something I really like, I don’t care how much it cost.

  15. The most expensive album I have costed me 600 KR. (about 100 USD).

  16.  I get easily distracted. (it have taken me about an hour so far writing this, because of facebook XD)

  17. I don’t really care if I have to skip school to be at a k-pop concert. (Did it when Big Bang was in London)

  18. I cry really easy.

  19. I hate people who are too overprotective of their bias. It's fine you love them, but you can’t have them all for yourself.

  20. It was really hard to write this ><

    Here they are my 20 confessions XD hope you liked it :D



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OMG! Whose album did you buy?
And you are so lucky! I would love to see Big Bang!