Hello :))

Hey guys! If you guys don't know, I recently made an Asian fanfic account, since my friend suggested that I get one. And to be honest I'm already addicted to it. Crazy right? lol if you guys knew me in real life, you would know that it doesn't take long for me to get obsessed with something. Well anyway whenever I join new websites I like to experiment a bit. So right now I'm just trying to see how my first blog post will go on here. I already know how blogs work since I have a Tumblr account (please follow me, my username is nimatwuzhere).

        So far I guess alls been good :D Anyway I'd like to thank everyone who I subscribed to for writing such amazing stories especially with my favorite kpop singers in it :). I'd also like to thank the people who added me as a friend and talked to me so far. It means alot to a newbie like me. lmao am I annoying you guys? Sorry if I'm wasting your time. I just wanted to thank all of you guys. Last but not least I'd like to thank my friend who suggest I'd join Asian fanfics :D.  Please add her, ILuvYou.

    Right now I'm planning out a story ideas ( see the poll that I made for which main character I should chose).  Thank you guys so much, I love you <3333


                                                                                                                                                                       -Nimatwuzhere :))http://nimatwuzhere.tumblr.com/


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@ILuvYou haha thanks, but no seriously if you didnt tell me about this website in the first place I wouldn't have joined. Your awesome too :D
awww your so awesome ^.^