20 confessions!

so here is my twenty confessions!

Or things that will allow you to know me better!


1. I have an identical twin sister who is my best friend

2. Having just entered a relationship I'm scared he'd ever find out about what I write about

3. Sometimes I hate my best friend with a passion 

4. I'm scared about moving out of my house in September 

5. I'm very insecure about myself

6. I feel bad about asking my parents for anything 

7. Spiders terrify me

8. Hole-y foods spook me out

9. I love maths

10. I am very competitive 

11. I am a complete perfectionist

12. I like getting drunk because I become a lot more sociable and daring

13. I really can't stand the hospital and I never want to go, ever 

14. I'm jealous of my friends a lot

15. I like to flaunt my brainyness around a lot

16. I am very obsessive over things

17. I am straight, and i have strong feelings of hate against homophobic people - I can't stand it

18. I wished I lived in London - that's my dream home

19. My dream is to become a psychologist who also has a barista licence and who contributes to the environment

20. I am in love John barrowman.


so yeah, hehe :3


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I have a twin too ! Yeah she's the best thing in my life <3 my ex knew what I read/watch, he didn't understand why, but he never say or did something about it xD hell yeah I hate homophobic people, they are plain stupid, excuse me what the fu.k is their problem?! I am also straight, I tried with a girl but it didn't turn out quite good lol she's a good friend of me tho xD I am really obsessive too xD
Love math too...competitive...perfectionist...and getting drunk(ok I wish I could get drunk one day),and I hate homophobic people(unless they have a reasonable reason==) ~5 out of ten!!
im gonna steal this from you like a ninja...

you didn't see anything
*walks backwards into the dark*
I have a twin sister to and I love her I'm the oldest for one minute kkk I know my friends are like "Dam Girl you are older for one minute ,that's Crazy!!!" but I Love Her so much kkkkkk ^.^
#2 I completely understand you! xD
My girlfriend knows I write fanfic, she actually secretly a fan of mine and helps me edit them^^
If your bf do find out and is okay with it then he's a keeper! :D
U r a complete perfectionist? Rilly?? O_o complete opposite of me :P
kiikiichan #7
Kkkkkk what are you going to be studying in college?
Wow~ Almost all of them fits me 0_0 well, except for the homophobic thing and etc. xC
Hi five on the perfectionist xD
...if i were you, i would be scare about having my bf found about what i write especially the not-very-innocence ones too..but at the same time, i would really want to know his reaction towards it.... really..