Babysitting -.-

Ok, so i know a lot of you guys probably won't read this but if you do i hope you get a kick out of my rant.

So i was aksed a month ago to watch two kids from 8 to 2 in the morning, i have no problem with kids, NONE WHAT SO EVER! I think they are the cutest thing. So as time went by i looked forward to watching them. A week before today, the girl asked if i would be ok if i could watch her friends child as well. PIECE OF CAKE.

When i showed up tonight, all the kids were still awake and i helped put them to bed. They parents said that all of the children were heavy sleepers and i shouldn't have to handle with them waking up. I thought it would be an easy job where i could update Love Yoga. So they all leave and i take out my compter and start getting ready to write. Not even a sentence in and the 10 month old started freaking out in his crib. So i ran upstairs and tried to comfort him, he got sleepy in 5 minutes, i thought he was out cold for the rest of the night. 

So i go back to the computer and started to type again, WRONG He starts freaking out again. He wakes up one of the girls too so i am trying to get the girl to bed first, she went back to bed easily. But this baby, this frickin baby would not calm down for a second. So i chnaged the diaper, and did all that you're supposed to do and he still was freaking out. I rocked him for a good 30 minutes before he clamed down, i laid him in hte crib and he was calm, until i tried to walk out of the door. EVERYTIME I TRIED TO LEAVE HE WOULD CRY TO MAKE ME STAY IN THE ROOM!! At this point i had this face on, 

I stayed in that room for an hour just watching him, i would tell what he was thinking. "Stupid ! Now you cannot write your fanfic!!!!" I am serious he just stared in my eyes.

FINALLY he closed his eyes and i escaped down stairs, his mom said to let him cry himself to sleep as long as he wasn't screaming, so i let that teenie tiny turd cry himself to sleep. 

I finally just got home about 20 minutes ago and i am like FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!

But anyway i wanted to let you know why Love Yoga's update was kinda short. Anyway...



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