Blush battle dream

It's awkward to me to tell me what's going through my mind while I sleep, but the dream I had last night... Well, it's a long time I felt this way in a dream, lol x)



For some reason, Exo was at my home. We had never met before, but for some reason, I knew who they were (I don't remember if they were celebrities in my dream. Maybe half and half? You know how illogical dreams can be).

It was dark outside, telling me it was winter. I just got home, and noticed Exo was sitting at the dining table. They had just been eating. The fireplace was buring, lighting up the room, and the atmosphere was warm.

I sat down at the end of the table, to start eating. I had just been out on a walk, so I was hungry. At my right sat Chanyeol. He was just staring right in front of him, barely noticing me. But at the other end of the table sat Luhan (the table was not that big, though). He just looked at me, wearing a small smile on his mouth, as a 'Hello'. I smiled back. And since this was all a dream, I knew that he found me cute OTL, so I smiled back and saw a small blush creeping up his face, while still wearing his small smile. That face... was the most adorable thing (not thing, but you know what I mean), that I've ever seen. So I smiled again to see his blush again. But this time, I was blushing as well. So in the end, we were having a blush'n smile battle. But he never knew that I found him attractive.

Then I wake up.

But then I decided that I was going to finish this dream! So I went back to half sleeping again.

I decided that I was going to make Luhan confess to me, and when he was going to....

*knock, knock* "Are you still asleep?" my mom said. (yup, I'm 21 and still live at home, because I'm stingy like that. Nope, haven't got a full time job yet). And this was 11:30 ;-; Why couldn't I just have had 5 more minutes, maybe I would have experienced a small kiss at least?


Psssh.. I should read more fluffy oneshots before I go to bed. They're having good influence on my dreams x)


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This dream...
Hahahahaahaha This actually had already happened to me. ^^ I was trying to finish a dream when mom calls me. Argh, I hated it so much in that moment.

The only time I remember what I dream is when I'm half awake and half asleep LOL it's weird I know, but it's the only time I can remember what I actually dream about.
And lately I've been dreaming about the next chapters of my current fanfic. LOL In that way, I can get new ideas. (it's always like that I get inspiration)

So yeah. :)