

So for people that don't really know me in 'real life' (actually i don't think anyone in 'real life' knows me on this website) I'll introduce myself.

My username (onecent_thought) is a play on the saying "A penny for your thoughts?" because why not?

I'm the type of person who's really good at hiding headphones and can blatantaly wear them in class without getting in trouble and I love layers. (i'm like an onion when it comes to clothing.)

I really like to eat shaved ice, Taiwanese Shabu Shabu, Naengmyun and Kalbi, Chicken Parmesean, and sandwiches. I also really love green tea.

I learned Latin, not to help with the SAT's but purely out of interest of ancient Roman culture. (And Chinese characters look too hard to write.)

I proudly own a Pororo eraser  which is randomly thrown into my otherwise totally uniform korean pencilbox. I love pre-sharpened pencils. 

I like reading alot but I like writing even more. I like reading about those 'first world problems and people problems' so to speak. Things by John Green, Rainbow Rowell, and John Corey Whaley, etc. I like books with simple colored covers, not ones with people awkwardly posing. Covers with expressive word art and cartoon-esque pictures, covers i wouldn't be afraid to carry in public and show off to my grandmother.

I write for fun, mostly as a stress-reliever. Its mostly just random stories that don't make much sense and don't really apply to real life. 

I have a lot of novels i want to read and songs I need on my Mp3, so i make a list of them in a standard spiral notebook. (Would that be considered OCD?)(Probably not considering how i write.)

My writing norm is: unconventionally writing my rough draft in a notebook (or cellphone) by hand and then typing it once again on my PC. 

I wish I was a taller person with bigger feet and bigger hands since I'm relatively short with small 'Squirrel' hands and feet.

I consider myself weird (undoubtedly) and because of that i think i'm cool. ha.

I guess that's it for my self-intro? I don't really have anything else to say except... feast your eyes and ears on this wonderful thing!


Bye! <3


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ok this may seem pretty random but the other day i completed 'where things come back' by john corey whaley and i just had to see whether someone on this site shared my interest in him and also in john green! i've read 'the fault in our stars' and i am currently reading 'looking for alaska'

i'm short too and yeah it haha
i usually write songs and books i absolutely need to get in a memo on my mobile which i always update :)

you seem like a really interesting person and you know, if you want we could talk some more and get to know each other (nothing personal that u feel weird about)
but you know i can accept anything since i don't really care about what some people think of me so
hey there c:
SoheesHusband #2
You seem awesome :)
And that's my writing method too >< I keep telling myself that it's more work, but I always do it.