
I'm getting very sacred right now :( theres a flood in calgary (where i live) and the rain isn't helping at all.it got worse and worse. I dont live close to it at all but i am so scared right now :( 

The flood have been rising more and more...Even a road from canmore had been removed by the massive flood. Half a brige had gone missing too

All school and work areeven cancelled....I really wanted to go to school.

the flood isn't as big as many places, but calgary never had a flood since 2005-2008 So i dont know if we are ready for another one :(


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-sekai #1
I feel bad for you. i know how you feel right know cause i have experienced the flood so many times. i hope it will stop :( fighting!
Rosechan #2
I hope you're alright! Hwaiting!