↺' Replay - {Li Lin Lin}





    li lin lin


↝ hello ↜

li lin lin is a very quiet, happy, and sweet girl who is smiling 99% of the time. she is a great listener who will give you wise advice anytime. she is very quiet and for her to start a conversation is a miracle in itself. she is often found reading, daydreaming, or people watching. she likes to imagine herself a princess and often calls herself gongzhu, which means princess in chinese. she never gets angry or sad, at least, not in front of other people. she is sometimes thought of as the 'quiet mother' of the group.



↝ would you like some tea? ↜

username -
what should i call you? - fiona 
activeness - 5
personal message - fighting~ i like your layout!



↝ what are you doing today? ↜

character name - li lin lin
stage name - li
date of birth - 940505
height & weight - 163 cm and 48 kilos
nicknames -
princess - given by her father
lili and linny - called by anyone close enough to her
gongzhu - princess in chinese
quiet mother - given by her group members

position - {main vocalist [ ] -  lead vocalist, rapper [ ] - main rapper, lead dancer [x] -
                main dancer [ ] - lead dancer, lead vocalist [ ] - lead rapper, vocalist - lead vocalist, sub-rapper, dancer [ ]}
back up position - {main vocalist [ ] -  lead vocalist, rapper [ ] - main rapper, lead dancer [ ] -
                        main dancer [ ] - lead dancer, lead vocalist [x] - lead rapper, vocalist - lead vocalist, sub-rapper, dancer [ ]}

birthplace - beijing, china
bloodtype - AB
ethnicity - chinese, a tiny bit korean

            languages- chinese - fluent, born in china and lived there until she was 10
korean - fluent, lived there since she was 10
spanish - conversational, studied abroad there for a school year once




↝ venus ↜

ulzzang name - eva cheung
pics -
back-up ulzzang - gam dain
pics -


↝ love appeal ↜

background/history - li lin lin was born in beijing, china in 1994. she lived with her mom and dad until she was six and her baby brother was born. she loved her baby brother more than anything in the world. she lived a happy life with her family, her happy beautiful mom, her handsome kind father, and her adorable sweet baby brother.
this all came crashing down when she was 10 and her father died in a car crash on a business trip. her whole family was devasted, her mother especially, who became depressed and sensitive. they all moved to their korean grandfather's house in kwangju, because being in the same place as he used to be was to excruicating.
lin lin was very quiet and sad after that, rarely speaking at all, only when spoken too. one day, however, she and her grandfather were walking when they saw some street dancers dancing. without thinking, lin lin whispered, "i want to do that." her grandfather took note and a couple days later, she found a brochure for wm entertainment on her desk.

trianee life - lin lin auditioned for wm when she was 13. even though her singing was weak and her dancing mediocre, the judges saw potential and accepted her. she was very quiet and shy with the other trainees, but they were all nice and accepted her into their circle right away.
lin lin's dancing skills improved rapidly, and by the time she was 15, she was one of the best dancers in the company. she had also discovered a talent for rapping, and was the best female rapper wm had.
in 2010, wm revealed to the trainees that they were debuting a group in 2011. lin lin was ecstatic, knowing for certain she was debuting since she was of the oldest trainees. she practiced harder then ever, falling in studies and not focusing on anything that wasn't practice.
when wm revealed that they were debuting a male group, lin lin was crestfallen. she had lost so many things for the sake of debut. she realized that maybe needed to take a break and decided to study abroad for a bit. she chose to move to spain because she already knew basic spanish.
she came back to wm in 2012 and was told that wm were debuting another group, once again. she was excited again, but decided not to get her hopes up. she still practiced hard, but made sure to focus on her family and studying too.

key traits - quiet, sweet, calm, happy, wise, motherly

likes - princesses, reading, dancing, practicing spanish, playing with her brother, b1a4, her ipod, pillows, clothes with pockets
dislikes - clothes without pockets, cell phones, guts, when people hold scissors wrong, people who pick on her brother, when people ask her about herself
hobbies - soccer, reading, dancing, drawing manga
trivia -
01. reads japanese manga but just looks at the pictures
02. plays forward in soccer, which surprises people
03. has low iron and has been hospitalized because of it
04. only draws with pencils or crayons, hates pens and markers
05. often fantasizes about being a princess
06. her favorite artists are; b1a4, g.na, after school, ra.d, jung in
07. favorite animal is deer
08. favorite color is clear
09. favorite number is five
10. reads tabloids daily to look for gossip about her or her group members

↝ kiss you ↜

family -
li tianhui || father || deceased || was business man || had a beautiful father daughter relationship, she was his little princess. lin lin was always delighted to see her father get home from work.
li ming || mother || 43 || florist || lin lin and her mother are not that close. they always try to break the barrier inbetween them but cannot seem to do it.
li caoi || siblings || 13 || student || lin lin loves her little brother more than anything in the world, and often showers him in affection. he pretends to be annoyed by it but actually loves her just as much.
kwon tae guk || grandfather || 68 || retired || tae guk is very supportive of lin lin's dreams and has cheered her on her whole struggle through training.


friends -
lee jung hwan || best friends || 21 || member of b1a4 || sandeul is often trying to entertain lin lin, while lin lin just smiles at his cute antics and tries to keep him out of trouble. sandeul is very clingy to lin lin and doesn't like her talking to other boys, which she just ignores. 

gong chan sik || friends || 19 || member of b1a4 || gongchan is also very quiet and happy, so when him and lin lin are together, they kind of just make small talk and don't really know what else to do. they are very comfortable with each other though and have no trouble going to eachother for advice.

choi jinri || good friends || 19 || member of f(x) || became friends backstage on a music show and are both members of the 94 line. sulli is very sweet and likes bring lin lin along for shopping and lunch and so on. sulli often goes to lin lin for advice.

kim jung ah || friends || 29 || member of after school || became enchanted with lin lin when lin lin shyly approached her, saying how big of a fan she was. jungah thinks lin lin is cute and often ruffles her hair.

lee yoo young || friends || 18 || member of hello venus || the two became friends when yooyoung boldly exclaimed, "oh! princess hair!" when she first saw lin lin. lin lin was surprised that yooyoung knew exactly what her hair was meant to be like, and instantly warmed up to yooyoung.

love interest (optional) -
jung jin young || unrequited love || 21 || member of b1a4 || jinyoung and lin lin are close friends and jinyoung often teases lin lin, oblivious of her feelings.

how you met your love interest - lin lin was 15 and practicing her dancing. she was in the practice room and it was 11pm, but she was determined to perfect the dance she was working on. she was surprised when jinyoung came into the practice room and screamed for she didn't know anyone was still in the building. jinyoung looked panicked, and turned and ran. when lin lin realized it was just another trainee, she started chasing after him, screaming "come back!" while jinyoung was screaming "i'm sorry!" she finally caught up to him, and grabbed his hand. "please stop." she said calmly. he looked at her, and realized she wasn't a scary ghost like he was imagined. he started laughing, clutching his stomach. "i'm sorry, i though you were-" he started, guffawing. lin lin stood there in confusion, letting go of his hand. jinyoung straightened up, smiling. "i'm jinyoung!" he introduced himself, holding out his hand. and at that moment, lin lin thought he looked exactly like a prince. 


love interest's personality - silly, narcisstic, stupid, short-tempered, sarcastic, weak







↝ excitement ↜

any questions or comments? - sorry, kinda messed up the layout. :/
scene requests? - lin lin w/ jinyoung, thinking about how in love she is with him, lin lin on a lunch date with sulli, lin lin talking about her father on a talk show

            password. - lin love  color














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