TOXIC Application

AFF name: suju1375

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Character Name: Park Jae

Nickname: J.J. JaeHo(his sister is the only one to call him that)

Ethnicity: Korean American

Languages: Korean (fluent) English (fluent) French (Basic) Chinese (fluent) 

Age: 19

Birthday: July 5th 

Height: 1.70 m

Weight: 52 kg

Blood Type: A+

Orientation: Gay

Looks Like:

Name of Ulzzang: Gwak Min Jun




  Jaeis very calm looking guy, but on the inside he has a free spirit. He is a random guy that loves to have fun, if you leave him alone in a room with a chair that spins and has wheels, you're bound to find hi  going up an down the halls doing funny poses on the chair. When it comes to drama, then he is out of the room or put his head phones on and wait for it to stop. He is a very trustworthy person, you can always go to him when your upset and he would know the right things to say to make you happy. He has a lot of confidence, like one time he and his friends introduced them selves after prefourming in a compotition and he called her self the 'Best Rapper' of the group and one of his friends ask 'who said that' and Jae would just Smile goofly and say "me".

He loves sweats, you can find him eating either white chocolate or a lollipop, if some says they don't want the rest of their chocolate bar Jae will be the first person to ask for it and if someone else trys to take it he will automatically take and run away from the person. Never EVER steal a tootsie pop from his stash, if you steal on instead of asking for one, Jae will chase you around the house saying he will hit you with a frying pan. But most of all he is a very calm guy, he is very caring towards everyone. Little kids love him not just because he has candy with her 24/7 but he is so appa like.

  Jaehas alot of attitude thanks to his mother and sister, he knows how to make someone scared by just glareing at them. He has the worst temper in the history of man, if someone was to hurt a loved one physically or mentally or both, he beat that person till they have to go the hospital, and yes the fans know of his temper.


  • Rapping
  • Dancing
  • Martial arts
  • Violin


  • Sweets
  • Action movies
  • Horror movies
  • Animals
  • Kids
  • Anime/Manga
  • Thunder storms
  • Pikachu


  • Players
  • s
  • Clingy girls
  • Liars
  • Cheaters
  • Selfish people
  • Seafood
  • Spiders


  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Playing violin
  • Swimming
  • Martial arts
  • Drawing


  • Sleep rapping
  • bitting bottom lip when nervious
  • Bitting the tip of his tongue lightly when thinking
  • Zoning out
  • Making popping sounds when bored


  • Is allergic to Spiders
  • Is allergic to Seafood
  • Favorite colors are red, white and black
  • lived in New York for 7 years
  • Knows how to B-Boy dance
  • Favorite anime is Bleach and Naruto
  • Has met Jackie Chan before
  • Loves sing in Chinese or English
  • Is related to Boa Kwon
  • lived in china for 2 years




Jae lived a pretty normal life, he lived in Korea with his family and friends. But when his father was killed at work, everything changed. He had moved to New york when he was 6, and stayed there till he was 13 and moved to China. When he turned 15 he signed up for JYP auditions with Kayla in hopes to add adventure into their lives.


Mother: Lilly Philbrick -45- Professor in a International college, she is very close with her son and daughter. She has a lot of attitude  and thanks to that her students never act rude towards her.

Father: Park Shin -48- Deseased, he had died on the job, He was a police officer and was very close with his kids.


Twin Sister: Park Kayla -19- She is training in JYP entertainment, she is a lot like Jae, and that makes Jae and Kayla very close. Jae is very over protective of his twin, she is the only one who can feel his pain and he can feel her's.

Other things I have to know about your family?:

Cousin: Boa Kwon -25- She is a solo singer at SM, she is close with Jae and Kayla and treats them as if they're her kids.



Background: Jae use to do competitions with Kayla out on the streets, she did the dancing while he did the beats and rapping. Then they both decided to something other than street preforming, but something much more fun.

Before Audition: Jae and Kayla, were doing a compition. Jae was rapping in French, and Kayla was dancing in sync with the beat. catching bystanders to stop and watch, one of those bystanders was a talent scout. He watched Kayla and Jae do their thing and was amazed, they then did prefourmed a song by Black Eyed Peas. They had two other friends preform with them, and when they finished the scout went over and asked them to Audition for JYP.

How Long where you trainee?: 4 years

From which Entertainment are you?: JYP


Stage info

Stage name: Dragan

Position: Main Rapper / Lead Rapper

Persona: Hot Charisma

Fan club name: RDraganz

Fan club color:red!!!!!!


He is not excilent at dancing, thats why he does rapping

He tries to practise his dance skills to get at the same level as Kayla

He works hard for his band members and Family




Xiah Junsu(He's dating Kayla, an Jae approves)

Jung Yunho

Amber Liu

Henry Lau



Crush: Jung Yunho. He can't help but like him, the way he is kind to everyone and how he treats everyone as if they were his family. And his dance skills are amazing, and thats why Kayla calls him JaeHo sometimes.

Lover: Single

Ex-lover: none

Rival: Jonghyun, he dated Kayla but cheated on her with her friend, Jae was pissed and told him to stay away from her and him, but Jonghyun wants Kayla back even if Jae warns him to back off and that Kayla is dating Junsu.


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