Mash-up writing style

I know I should be working on my Tabi fic but IDK why I'm finding myself at a standstill in the story.


The original storyline is still swimming somewhere in my head, don't worry so I have no worries that I'd be able to finish this fic but I lost some sort of... drive... to get from point A to B.


Do you get what I mean?


Anyway, to somehow get my mind working again, I'm currently working on a one-shot (or longer if it clicks) but I'm not sure if I'm gonna use Seungri or GD. hahaha 


Dilemma of the OT5 biased girl. T_T 


This new story I'm working on is gonna be darker than my previous works... I'm kind of like going back to my original style as a fiction writer... This is like mashing together my "real" writer side and my fan fiction writer alter ego.


In other words, self-indulgent ty story warning is needed. 


Anyways, I'm rambling... so bye guys, wish me luck LOL



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Hey good luck in your writings. Whatever you write and share, i'll read. lol.
Dont worry, i get what you mean. I also cant choose between the 5 boys. But i have a special soft spot for gd. Well sometimes top too. Or yb, or dae, or seungri. lol. Its nearly impossible to choose from the 5 guys.
Hahaha... i love the self-indulgent word you have there... gosh it's just i'm a GD bias so you know who i'd prefer... still i know it will all come to you when the proper time comes .... waiting!