우리 결혼 했어요? ! We Got Married Aplicação!

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get married!  application form



Aff name: AliceHwang1

what i can call you:Alice

activeness: 9





idol name: Shin Min Young / Min

face claim: Goo Hara

age: 19

date of birth: 09/26/1993

ethnicity: Korean

birthplace: Busan, South Korea

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

height/weight: 163cm / 45kg

blood type: A

Appearance: Min Young has a very natural appearance. Have straight hair, but sometimes it looks good curly. It has black eyes and very beautiful. Your skin is well clarinha and spotless. She does not wear much makeup and always try to be as natural as possible.


Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Date: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Shopping: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Recording: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Sleep: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Dorm:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Beach: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5



Personality: Min Young is a very cheerful girl and playful. She seems like a girl and spoiled preppy, but it is a very humble girl and very cool. Cares enough about others and always taking care of everyone. It can be very romantic, but she never really fell in love. It can sometimes be a bit cold to people, but it is only with strangers, but if you know her better, you'll see that it is a very fun and can be very funny. Makes friends easy and for that reason is very popular at his university, but there is much to be considered "miss popular", but it is well known there.

She is very smart and learns things very easy, and understand things very well and decipher things that some people can not. Despite being smart, she is very stubborn and usually can not tell what is right and wrong, at least for her, everything she says is right and always insists too much with others. Before, she used to care much for the opinion of others, but then some things happened, she began to care much less, almost nothing.

Super naive, she can believe everything that people say, even if it's the dumbest thing in the world. It is also very innocent, even being affectionate and even with boys, she never gave her first kiss and almost never understand sarcasm or bull people talk.

Min Young loves to sleep and let her sleep a whole day without waking up even once. It is super hard to wake up and often loses appointment times for their laziness or sleep. She says that her sleep is precious and that is her beauty sleep, so she takes to wake and sleep too much, but that's all just laziness.

She does not like to eat and have had many problems because of it, so now she eats much more than he ate before, but still have a poor diet. She loves fashion, but also not a compulsive shopper, but whenever she can update your wardrobe.Loves bright colors and dark colors do not please her much, but she uses it anyway. Anyway ... Think of a girl very cute and with different personality ... Thought? Well, this is Min Young.

Background: Min Young was born with a very good family. His parents took very good care of her and always gave a lot of love for her. When she was a child, she had a weight slightly above normal, and so always laughed at her at her school and always involved enough. She always came home crying a lot and her parents always told her not to care what others spoke.

As the years went by, she was already 12 years old and we all know that when we age, things change a lot. Min Young was already a body much better than before, but for she it was still well above the weight. She began to stop eating, lie to their parents about the food she was playing outside and spoke to them they ate, when eaten your food and then vomited it up even took remedy hidden from their parents.

Min Young started getting weak and very thin, his parents became concerned and took her to the doctor, even without her wanting. The doctor diagnosed her bulimia and her parents were desperate. Min Young was not too surprised, she knew she could get sick, but she could not stand the things people talked, even her not being fat. His parents cared enough of it, said many things that made her racicionar well, but it continued. Reached the point of it getting hospitalized because of it. Your friends, relatives, doctors, everyone went to visit her and always talked to her, but nothing changed.

Each passing day, she got weaker still and she almost lost his life for it. The doctor said that if she did not change their food now, she could not have more chances of life. Min Young was desperate, she not wanted to die, she still had many dreams that she wanted to follow and one of those was to be a dancer. She promised herself and all that will change and would improve. His parents believed in it and a miracle happened, she really changed it.

She began to eat more to feed every day, eat healthy things. She was gaining strength and she was not as thin as before. Min Young began to see his true self and decided that it would not shake it. She did not tell anyone at her school, she not wanted to be known as the "girl who was sick," even if only your friends knew it. Until his personality changed, she became a happy girl and after all she's been through, she says to herself that now all will love it and will live as long as possible to make all your dreams and she still has a lot ahead.

Now she is 19 years old, his life is normal even though her past still haunts her, Min Young is going.


  • Sleeping - She really loves to sleep. If she could, she would sleep all day. " I'm lazy girl ♪ " lol
  • Dancing - dancing is part of her life. When she's dancing, she forgets all her problems and feel refreshed and happy. For her, dancing is one of the most important things in your life, taking his family.
  • Music - Obviously, there has to be dancing to a song. On this issue she loves music. It is part of your life too.
  • Watch TV - In her spare time, she loves watching TV, especially dramas, are their favorites.
  • Shopping - She did not spend your time at the mall, because she also does not no rich spoiled. However, she loves going to the mall when she have some free time, even if only to look at a few stores and not buy anything, the mall makes her feel happy.
  • Family - His family is the most important thing she has. She knows that her family will always be there for her in the happy and sad moments of her life and she loves the way she is, even with some flaws.
  • Friend - She loves her friends and she was really happy when her friends supported her in everything and always gave strength to her when she needed it most.
  • Bunny - She loves bunnies, especially when they are white. If she could, she would have one house with bunnies.


  • Fake people - She hates fake people with all his strength. Those people who say they are your friends and then you leave, are the people she hates most.
  • Wake up early - She really hates being awake early, especially when she do not have to do anything on the day.
  • Lies - She hates lies and a good thing it is that she knows who is lying or not. She prefers that a person speaks the truth, even if it is something horrible, than the person stay lying.
  • Dark - She really does not like dark. Not nor fear, but do not like it. Places the most enlightened more pleasing her.
  • Blood - She does not like blood. Whenever she sees blood, she feels dizzy or nervous.


  • Lazy girl
  • very stubborn
  • Gets irritated easily
  • Vey naive


  • Biting lips
  • Talking in your sleep
  • Fill cheeks of air when gets bored
  • Throws objects when is angry
  • Cries when it gets overloaded


  • Death
  • Height
  • Some insects
  • Snake
  • Ghosts ( lol )

Pet Peeves:

  • Be agreed
  • People lying
  • Bullying
  • When people leave it overloaded


  • Has a bunny called Mikki
  • Can't cook
  • Can play the piano and guitar very well.
  • Like your nails always done.
  • Always carry your Iphone with it.
  • Like quite Keroro
  • Like much of SNSD, B.A.P, Exo and Super Junior.
  • It has a ring of exo

Ideal type: Young Min likes a man who is caring and above all respect her so it should be. She quite likes of funny men and that can encourage and support her when she needs it, and she will do to him. Like men who can show that he really love her and do not lie to her. To her, the man does not need to be beautiful on the outside but has to be inside.

Plot Line: Fluff-o-mania / female / I really liked this story and I think Min Young can fit perfectly in this. She is very cheerful and generally shows caring for all your actions.

Back-up plot line: Carefree idiots / female / I think she also plot this plot because it is a bit reckless. Despite being smart, she is very lazy and do not worry too much about other things.



Comments: I hope you like me ^.^

Plot Suggestions?: I'm out of ideas now, but I can give you later when my little head to get ideas ^.^


  ( lol )



Why thank you for applying ~~

Don't forget to comment your link only in the turn-in blog post~~

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