
Hey there!

So, guys! I have a question for you and I would like if you could help me on this.

I'm going to expose my problem:

It's like this ... I have this urge feeling to advertise one of my stories, BUT the chance of being advertised is very low, since I don't have that much points which means I can easily lose the bid. However, since I want it so much  what do you think I should do?

Should I take the risk and advertise it, or should I wait more to get more points? 

I'm in this dilemma, cause I want it but I'm afraid to do it.

What do you think?

If you ever tried it before, I would appreciat it if you could share the experience.

Thank you. :)

Chu~/XOXO <3


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Not to worry because you don't lose karma points if you don't win. It'll all just get returned back to you.

So if you lose now, wait for a couple hundred more, and then try bidding again! You'll eventually win. :)

And if you want to win, you need at least 4000.

Some bids go as high as 6 or 7 thousand but that's usually only twice a month. Just pick a day where the bids are low and try to bid at the last minute, which is 11 PM Pacific time
Do you lose karma if bidding, even though you won't win?
If so - wait
Analyze how much the winners of the bids bid while you're commenting on a lot of oneshots and blog posts (or stories, but they're way longer). Analyze and earn karma you have more than enough