Star's Mission Application~





AFF Username: danaq22

AFF Profile Link:




Gender:  {X} Girl   { } Boy

Name: Kang Myung Hee

English name: Abby

Nicknames: Abbs, Mimi,



Do Hwe Ji



(just sweatpants like these with a large t-shirt)




Age and Date of Birth: 05/22/93, 18

Place of Birth: Busan, Korea

Height: 164Cm

Weight: 46Kg

Spoken Languages: English(fluent), Korean(fluent)


Abby is like any other Korean girl in America. She is outgoing, fun, adventurous, impatient, hyper and loud. She loves to try new things, and they are often things like paragliding or skydiving. But if its things like learning a new instrument, she often loses interest after a while. She is really clumsy, and often trips over nonexistent things. (She is a victim of the Onew condition) She is also impatient, and hates it when people dont get to the point. She also straight forward and honest, and so honest that she often hurts people's feelings, but she doesnt really realize it. She is also easily emabarrased, and she is kind of shy around boys, despite what she is like around her friends and family. But once she feels comfortable around you, she will be much much more outgoing, and like herself.


Mother: Park Ji Yeon

Father: Kang Dong Hyun

Younger Sister: Kang Myung Ji

(Cousin: Kang Min Hyuk, drummer of CNBlue)

Background: Abby was born in Busan and when she was 2, her and her family moved to Seattle. She grew up speaking Korean at her house, and English at school. She is a normal girl, but her parents are not so normal. Her parents are well-known classical musicians, and they are against her children listening to K-Pop. Her father's brother was also a classical musician, but was not as against K-pop as Abby's parents. Her father's brother's son(Kang Min Hyuk) learned the drums, and auditioned for an Entertainment company. He then became the drummer for CNBlue, which caused Abby to want to become a kpop idol too.


-Lavender and Periwinkle (both flowers and colors~)


-Ice Skating

-Cute jewlery/ hair accesories






-Not being straight forward

-ty girls

-Long-distance running

-Waking up

-Red Roses

-Really really hot days



-She can play the drums, because she learned it from Kang Min Hyuk

-She can only fall asleep after she drinks water before going to bed


Things she/he would usually say or do:

-She often twirls her hair around her finger when she is bored

-She sometimes says "yo" to get people's attention

-She sometimes starts hum when she is in a good mood.


-She starts to blink faster when she is lying

-She bites her bottom lip when she nervous or anxious

Sleeping Habits:

-She can fall asleep anytime anywhere, but she has to have drank water right before sleeping, or else she cant sleep

Why do you want to be part of the show?:

She wanted to be part of the show because she wanted to become a kpop idol. Because of the fact that she cannot audition, or her parents would find out, she decided to apply online through this TV show, for a chance to become an idol. Also because she is a huge fan of kpop and wants to meet one of her favorite groups' members if possible.

Why were you chosen/Do you think you’re good enough?:

She was chosen because of her shy personality around boys and the change that she goes through. She was also chosen because of her beautiful singing voice, and her ability to write lyrics.

Talents: Singing and writing lyrics.

Extra talents: She can do a really really good voice imitation of Beyonce, and can whistle a whole song.


Would you like to debut?: {X} yes { } no

Under which company?:  M-net Media (Either Core Contents or Synara or F&C Music is fine XD)



Friendship/Best Friend: Luna and Krystal of F(x)


Rival(s):  HyunA of 4Minute (thinks shes really ty)


Love: {X} yes { } no

Ideal Type: Someone who is humourous, has a good singing voice, and is dependable

Bias: Onew

Partner: Lee Jin Ki/ Onew of SHINee


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