Haze Again. Mini Rant

I don't even know what to say. The haze is back again and in full force. Honestly, I'm pretty much unaffected (as of yet) from the haze other than the fact that everything smells of BBQ here and I always leave the house wondering if the neighborhood had some fogging done. But the PSI now is fly high, reaching 371 this afternoon. Luckily, many are having their holidays right now in Singapore, but I'm having my finals next week. I wonder what happened that the PSI went up so high this year. Apparently they broke the record from the one in 1997 with a PSI of 221. What happened to sustainability...? And what really pissed me off is that the Indonesian minister claims that we are making a big deal out of it and acting like children. Well, sorry about that but my professors are from buffalo and they too say that they are suffering from the haze. Classmates that came over from the states are also disappointed because they can't take pictures once the exams after over next week because this is all that is going to come out... literally.

I mean I can look across to my neighbour's house and see it blurry. And even Macdonalds stopped their deliveries because the air is deemed hazardous. There are rumors that school and work may be put to a stop and even planes may not be able to lift off because of the hazardous air as well. Singapore even offered monetary help to Indonesia to stop the illegal forest burning but the minister claims that if we are only offering half a million, they might as well use their own money. I know that not all Indonesians are responsible for this. Hell, more of them are innocent than are guilty but shouldn't the minister be more courtous about this? 


And I even heard that the poor cats on the street are dying because they have a lower lung capacities. T_T

So to everyone in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia: I know many who are falling sick, or have fallen sick because of the pollution so please take care of yourselves and pray that it will tide over soon. 





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eggyz123 #1
Hey. I totally understand you. Singaporean here