lost a friend

I just lost a friend. Not just 'a' friend but a special one. He's a keeper indeed. He's the one who made me feel like i mean something to someone. No, i dont like him eventhough we sometimes do look like a pair of couple but honestly, i just take him as a friend, a soulmate. It was just a few days ago that we texted but i noticed something's wrong. He's been breaking his promises. He's been avoiding me. And just now, we bumped into each other. I was about to wave when he just walked straight past me. That hurts a lot. Not a single word, not even a glance. Now, he's hanging out with a friend of mine. Actually i noticed this long ago but i just kept quiet. That girl he's been hanging out with, she told me things that i never knew, that he never told me eventhough she didnt tell the full story. The others also said that they rarely see us together. And now, i'm so brokenhearted. I know, he may have his reasons but why am i so hurt?? These days, nothing ever goes right...


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bunbunbunbunbunn #1
Perhaps you should calm down, collect your thoughts and ask him for some time to chat. I mean, better now than never, right?
And perhaps you should also start wondering why you feel brokenhearted? Do you only see him as a friend and friend only, or maybe something more? /:

Best of luck, dear.
Maybe, when you are feeling better, you should go up to him and have a chat. Maybe he needs some time to himself too. Tell him how much you value him as a friend and that he can share anything with you. If he still refuses to open up and ignores you, then maybe you're better off that way. Don't feel too sad, ok? FIGHTING!
Awh ;; I know how you feel..... I was practically in the same situation not too long ago actually u_u <//3 if you need someone to talk to, I'm here
-pat pat-
If he doesn't trust you enough to tell you his problems, then he's not worth it as a friend.
Friendship is a two way road for trust.
GlassHeartedAngel #5
awww it's ok to feel hurt when you lose a friend. things like that happen I've lost some pretty good friends too. In life people come and go, in the end the ones who are still with you are the true friends. Trust me the sun will shine again.