More pre debut pics :) ----------------------------------> https://www.google.co.uk/search?newwindow=1&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&biw=1366&bih=651&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=hongki+predebut&oq=hongki+predebut&gs_l=img.3..0i10j0i5i10.9246.9859.0.10003.


MC: If you can only pick one, which one would you choose, being an actor or a singer?

Hongki: It's really hard to choose between the two. Initially, acting was my dream, I had dreamt of being an actor since I was young. However, during my teenage years, whenever I went singing, my friends would compliment me on my singing, that was the reason why I entered my school's singing competition. And I'm good at billiard too!! And, face!!( 〃▽〃)

MC: Face?

Hongki: My looks. I'm a flower boy!!( 〃▽〃) When we had activities with other schools..

(at this point, Hongki was stopped by the MC from continuing this topic XD)

When I first debuted, it was 70% acting skill and 30% singing ability. However, as my members were already playing musical instruments even before forming the band, I felt that I must really put in more effort in improving my singing. Therefore, now it's the opposite, 30% acting skill and 70% singing ability. However, I would prefer it to be of equal proportion, so I really can't choose between the two.

Cr: chiharu509
Chinese Translation: June_priway


via: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/m23dq5




Q: How do you paint the picture of your ideal wife?

Hongki: She has to be smart, someone who possesses the qualities which I don't have. I started singing when I was young, so I didn't have the chance to study much. I can't marry anyone who is not smart or who is very serious.

Chinese Translation: MylovelyFT


via: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/m0o5rb


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mySamoanfan #1
^_^ he is cute... I love the way he play his part in your beautiful especially the hair style he looks awesome with the white colour hair hehehe....
59 views and counting!! :)
Adorable boy :*)
trueFriend #4
He looks so cute......
aww...cute..i hope he'll do a telederye :)
hannaraisya #6
Awwww hongki's adorable! Honestly... I think in both acting and singing... he's awesome. He can do so many different tyoe of roles...and he sungs beautifully too... im sure he'll be success ful in both fields...

Oppa fighting!
He's totally perfect Kyaaaaaaa *_*
And he hasn't even aged a bit ,he looks the same to me #_# in the last photo that kid behind him kinda looks like Mir hehehehe ^_^
Hongki looks so cute^^
I'll be your wife Hongki~ jks.
He is a natural beauty and he has equal quality in both singing and acting~