Problem Dolls Application

AFF username:Ayu-chan724
Style and Appearance
Name of ulzzang:Jung Roo
Pajama: Hyunmi likes to mismatch her pajamas. She doesn’t wear pants to sleep; she always wears shorts no matter what. Even if it’s cold she still wears shorts. And she also wears big plain t-shirts to sleep, sometimes they overlap her shorts, making it look like she isn’t wearing anything under the shirt -_-
Formal: Hyunmi hates being formal and wearing dresses/heels, but if she has too, she usually wears dark colored dresses that aren’t too long. If finds the dress too long, she’ll say she won’t wear it because she’ll trip.
Casual: Hyunmi always wears either skinny jeans or shorts. She likes to wear tops that hug her figure but can be loose at the same time. Her style is a mixture of girlyness and tomboyishness. And she is usually wearing a beanie on her head if it’s not hot. Hyunmi also wears any color except any shade of yellow or brown, but she generally wears dark colors. (I don’t look good in those colors so… ^-^”) Hyunmi also doesn’t really like to wear heels, but she will if it fits her outfit ^-^ she usually wears sneakers.
Dress: Hyunmi’s not into fluffy or frilly dresses so she likes to keep it simple with the dresses.
Character Information
Name:Lee Hyunmi
Date of Birth:November 23, 1993
Height:170 cm
Weight:51 kg
Blood Type:B+
Left handed or Right handed:Left handed
Personal Information:
Short biography: When I was first born, my mom wanted to get rid of me and my twin brother, saying my older brother was enough for them, but my dad objected, saying that we were their child and that my mom should love us like she loves my older brother. I was always the favorite in my dad’s eyes. We are like best friends. My mom doesn’t treat me or my twin nicely; she’s always hitting and yelling at us for no reason. My brothers and I get along swimmingly. They always take care of me and are always on my side. But I’m extremely close with my twin brother, I’m close with my older brother but I’m more closer to my twin ^-^
Personality:When you first meet me, you'd think I'm shy and awkward, but when you get to know me, I'm nice and trusting (my friends think I'm too nice sometimes). I'm usually calm, cool, and collected in most situations, but I tend to be VERY sarcastic ^-^” I don't get angry easily but I get annoyed easily. I make friends easily and get along with almost everyone, but there are a few people who hate me (for some reason I don't know). I tend to get bored easily and say "geez chill" to people who are upset or angry. When people whine or complain, I whine with them to shut them up or I say “It’s okay to cry” as I pat their shoulder/back. I don’t like to fight but if I have to I will. I'm a bit of a sadistic, to be honest (I love to mentally torture my friends (=< ) I'm also a bit insecure and clumsy (actually I'm REALLY clumsy). =/ I’m sort of a “Go with the Flow” type of person, but I can come off as blunt since I like to speak my mind ^-^”
I don’t mean to be, but my friends tell me that I’m really cute/adorable (I don’t see how though =/). When I want something, I guess I use aegyo to get it. And if I can’t I pout. My friends like to compare me to CN Blue’s Yonghwa because they say I look like him (In real life). I’m really playful and I like to play pranks on my friends, even if I get in trouble it’s worth it in the end ^-^ I’m always listening to music, even when I’m sleeping. Sometimes the people around me get annoyed that I listen to music 24/7 because I tend to sing without knowing. I’m a very patient person even though I get annoyed easily ^-^” Also, it’s not a good idea to wake me up from a nap, you might lose your life ^-^
Song:Teen Top – “Supa Luv”
Food:she has too many to pick one
Drink:vanilla milkshake
Major Insecurity:her weight
Relationship Information:
My parents are divorced.
Father: Lee Jaejin (46) // alive
Mother: Lee (Shin) Miyoung (42) // alive
Stepmom: Yoo Sooyoung (43) // alive
Stepdad: Choi Minhwan (47) // alive
Older Brother: Lee Minhyuk (20) // alive
Older Twin Brother: Lee Byunghun (17) (L. Joe, Teen Top) // alive
Stepbrother (Sooyoung’s son): Yoo Changhyun (16) (Ricky, Teen Top) // alive
Stepsister (Minhwan’s daughter): Choi Soomin (12) // alive
-Amber (F(x))
-The Jo twins (Boyfriend)
-Sungjong & Hoya (Infinite)
-Krystal (F(x))
-Yuri (SNSD)
His Personality: Chunji is the smiling prankster type. He sort of has the “Prince Syndrome”, he’s always checking to make sure his appearance is in order, even using the camera to fix his hair. But overall, Chunji is a very nice person despite his playful ways. He also mumbles when he’s taken by surprise ^-^
His favorite quote:“Have you seen my mirror?”
Theme Song:Chris Brown – “With U”
QUESTIONS:Is it okay if I still apply or is it full????
Password:Baksu (Clap)


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