✌ BABE ✌ Jin Mirae ✌ Lead Dancer and Lead Rapper

Jin Mirae
Lead Dancer & Lead Rapper


✌ Ireumi Mwoyoyo?

Username: LebenVieKyrie
Activeness: 8
Nickname: Ali
Personal Message: I hope you like my character, I put a lot of love into my app! You can change her as you want, no problem :) Also, my first language is not English, so sorry if I made any mistake!


✌ Nal Bwa YOU~ YOU~

Character Name: Jin Mirae (Evangeline Jin)


- Monkey girl: By Yongguk, after she jumped on his back and hanged onto his neck until he let her go with him to watch one of his perfomances. She also calls him Ape-man (And laughs at his awful English).

- Toki or Bunny: as her front teeth are slightly larger than the rest of her teeth and she has the habit of nibbling things when she is thinking.

- Eeve: like the Pokemon, it was the nickname given to her by her older friends in New York, for her small stature and contexture and the fact that she was the youngest and least ‘evolved’.

Age: 20

Date of Birth: 11/14/1993

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Blood type: A -

Ethnicity: Half-Korean (Her mother is an American of Latino and French ascendance who came to Korea to teach English, so you could say she is Korean-American).


- Korean: Native language.

- English: Fluent – she lived during four years in America and her mother is American, so she usually spoke to her in English. 


✌ I Want You Beautiful Love~

Ulzzang: Jang Hae Byeol

Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Back-up Ulzzang: Park Hye Min || Pony

Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6


- Training: Basically baggy pants, baggy shirts or in some cases fitting tops and wifebeaters with hoodies. She just needs to be comfortable. She always wears short shorts under her pants, so she may sometimes take off her sweatpants


- Casual: Her every day style is very simple, throw on a pair of jeans or shorts and a loose t-shirt; if the weather is cold enough, add a hoodie or a jacket and put some tights under the shorts. She normally finishes her outifts with her converse or combat boots. Mirae loves to wear leather and studded stuff on a daily basis, she also likes hats very much.


- Formal:  Because Mirae doesn't really likes dresses, when she has to go formal she wears shorts and blazers. If she really needs to wear a dress, she makes sure she can use a short underneath it. Also, she needs to feel the heels are secured to her feet.


- Dorm: Her style is very basic, she just wears hoodies and shorts made of soft fabric.



- She has a scar on her left knee, she got it after she fell down of a skateboard once and since that day she hasn’t touched one again.

- She has a mark on her right cheek from the time she got chickenpox. Mirae was 12 years old at the time and she thought it was a pimple and pop it. (But because her Ideal type, Lee Minho, has one as well, she doesn't feel self-conscious about it anymore).

- She has a mole on her chest, close to her neck.

- She would have a Tattoo but she is afraid of needles, getting her ears pierced was hard enough for her.


✌ Tell Me Tell Me


Mirae lived a fairly normal and privileged childhood in Seoul, she was an only daughter, so she was spoiled by her parents; Mirae was pretty much a princess, with a pink tutu and all. Back then, she used to be very shy and unable to express herself and what she wanted properly, so she mostly did it through dancing. When she was 11, her father took a job in the embassy of South Korea located in New York, where the family relocated, much to Mirae’s dislike: she wasn’t happy, she didn’t want to and that became obvious to her parents with her grades dropped and she turned rather moody. Her discomfort in the new city was so big she even stopped dancing, which had been a hobbie of hers since she was six years old.

It was not until she saw a dance performance by a hip hop crew, one day after she decided to skip school, that she felt moved, she felt the need to dance again. So she annoyed her mother until she signed her in the crew’s dance studio, instead of going to a better-known academy. There she came in contact with people really different from her; she learned how to dance a style that was completely foreigner and grew up a lot as a person. However, Mirae started hanging out with groups of people that weren’t precisely good and through them she picked up certain abilities (Like escaping from an apartment without anyone realizing it), answering back, trolling and rapping, becoming quite proficient when it came to freestyle and improvisation, as they would dance and rap on the streets. Nevertheless, things were going good, Mirae was finally motivated and doing well in school again, as she could go to the dance studio every afternoon. That is until her family had to move back again to South Korea only four years later, Mirae was beyond furious, she finally fitted in and they were dragging her again, away from her friends.

Back in Seoul, fifteen year old Mirae was pretty angry, so she skipped many classes to go to any place she could dance and perfom (Mainly in Hongdae) and spent all day dancing. After her parents found out and punished her, she packed a bag with clothing and some money and escaped the family's apartment. She was walking through Hongdae when she met Bang Yongguk, or Jepp Blackman, aka the coolest underground rapper ever; she was determined to talk to him and show him her abilities, which impressed him, but being a man of principles, Yongguk forced Mirae to go back home. Nevertheless, she continue to follow him (Escaping from her house but it was only to watch the rap battles!) 

Personality traits: Determined, childish, rebellious, clever, outspoken

Personality Expanded: 

What Mirae wants, Mirae gets. She strives for perfection in the things she sets her mind onto; she just doesn’t like to make mistakes when she is rapping or dancing as this frustrates her. Whether it’s dancing, or rapping, she wants to be flawless. She likes to prove herself to others and achieve all the goals she sets her mind on. She is very driven and determined, willing to show everybody that no matter what obstacles come her way, she will overcome them. However, being too focus can sometimes make her forget about other important things she has in her life, and might need a small shove or shake to realize this. Besides, if she doesn’t get what she wants, she’ll become very exasperating, she is just the kind of girl that likes to have the last word and the bigger trophy, she is not someone that simply settles.

She is clever, capable of picking up the feel of the place; Mirae usually can say what it’s needed to make any tension dissolve (As long as it doesn’t have to do with her). Mirae is not all business (Nowhere near it), she is actually not strict (Maybe only with herself) or uptight. She likes to joke around whenever she has free time. She can be as childish as a maknae and can become quite goofy. She gets fascinated by new things just like a kid would do, gets excited to have new experiences, and gets especially immature when she loses. Funny faces and dances are her specialty, she always wants to have fun and make others smile. But she can also realize what ticks people off, and usually use it whenever she is mad at the other person. For example, if you don’t like it when people drink directly out of the orange juice container, she will make sure you are looking at her when she does it; if you don't like people touching your things, she will touch them.

Mirae is known for being a bit rebellious, disobeying orders, sneaking out of the dorm and even playing pranks on her friends. She used to be more aggressive before she entered TS, mainly because she felt frustrated that things weren’t working the way she wanted them to. However, currently, she just gets caught in random, funny situations and always has this mischievous spark in her eyes. She knows how to do her things, and has her way with words, being a good conversationalist she can really distract you with what she says. Mirae is also an outspoken person, whenever they are in tv shows or interviews, she usually speaks and if the MC ask a question that one of the girls doesn't seem to know how to answer, Mirae will jump in and make a joke to answer the question.

Being somewhat absentminded, Mirae sometimes seems to lose her focus on certain things that don’t really interest her and excite her. This causes her to be unreliable, which ends up irritating the other members. Her resistance to authority can sometimes cause her to look egoist, because, when she feels her freedom is being affected, her actions mostly end off hurting the other members one way or another, but in the end, she will do was its right, because the girls mean more to her. Even if she likes to project herself as an independent girl, she is a bit clingy and secretly tries to gain other peoples acceptance and approval, especially that of her parents.

Overall, even if Mirae is sort of a troll to her friends, she will always be there right next to them when they need her, will always give her shoulder to cry on, will always stand up for them and shield them from any danger; she is not about to stay on the side watching her friends getting hurt (She reserves the right to hurt them!). Although she might get a bit competitive with the other members at times, if anyone tries to mess with the other girls, she will put them right in their places.


- The sound of rain.

- Bubble tea, her favorite flavors are chocolate and taro.

- Rap music and hip hop, whether it is American or Korean. She is a big fan of Jay Z, Eminen, 50 Cent, Pharrell, Missy Elliot, Drunken Tiger, San E, Supreme Team and 2NE1.

- Videogames.

- The sweet sound of Victory!

- Food. Especially if it is spicy. She likes tteokbokki and Korean street food, but sometimes she just craves a cheeseburguer like a crazy person.

- Ice cream, especially any Mint flavored one (Mint with cookies, Chocolate chip Mint, Natural Mint).

- Dancing to boys choreographies, she says they are more entertaining that most girls dance routines. 


- When people ignore her or scream at her.

- Saying she is sorry.

- Injuries and diseases. She hates needles and hospitals.

- Kimchi, it makes her tummy ache.

- Wearing high heels, too much make-up and, to a certain degree, wearing dresses. She is still getting used to be a ‘woman’ and all these things make it harder for her to dance. 

- Dieting, ugh.


- Not being able to dance again.

- Disappointing the other girls. 


- She moves her hands and does a lot of facial expressions when she is speaking.

- She nibbles into the sleeves of her hoodies or whatever she has on her hands when she is thinking deeply.

- She talks in her sleep, in both Korean and English and sleeps hugging something, whether it is a big fluffy pillow or one of the other members.

- If she has to stand in a place for too long without doing anything, she'll start moving around, dancing or bopping her head to an imaginary rhythm.


- Writing the lyrics for her raps.

- Recording and uploading dance and rap covers to her youtube account.

- Taking random pictures of her, her clothing, the other members, basically their normal lives and uploading them to instagram.

- Playing sports like baseball and American football. 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@ChasingE-va, she uses it a lot to post the links to her instagram pictures. (And she sometimes says “No, don’t chase me! Follow me on twitter, that’s easier!)

Instagram: http://instagram.com/HiIAmEva, she is an instagram junkie (Thanks to Yongguk, Zelo and Himchan!). Some of the pictures she has published:

            (She took this last one in Hongdae.)

In the future, she will use it to upload pictures of the gifts their fans give to them.

Youtube:  eeevaaa, this is where she uploads her dance and rap covers (Her username is based on Wall-e’s way of saying Eva in the movie)

Facebook: Mirae used to have one, but she deleted it.


- Korea Kent Foreign School, Class of 2012.


- Her mole has caught a lot of attention from fans.

- She interacts a lot with the fans, whether it is at fanmeetings, when the fans approach her on the airports or streets, during their concerts or even in the internet. Mirae always does the best she can to answer on twitter (In both Korean and English).

- She was featured in one of Bang’s tracks that he publishes on the internet.

- She has a strong charisma when she is dancing, even her facial expressions go according to the feeling of the song. Still, she doesn't think she is y, she says that she is as y as a bunny.

- Mirae enjoys doing skin-ship, so she touches the other members’ hair, faces, grabs onto their arms quite often. She’s also really into hugging.

- She is fairly famous in youtube, for her covers of BAP's dances. She even created her own dances for several of their songs.

- Being a bit absentminded, she always seems to end up involved in random situations. Once, she went out to jog and buy something to eat and ended up selling fruits with a couple of ajuhmmas on the other side of the city. Turns out, she was actually a good seller, for that the older ladies gave her some fruit she later shared with the other trainees. Or that other time when she went to the store to do the grocery shopping and ended winning an ice-cream eating contest, so she came back to the dorm with a prize of 6 gallons of ice-cream and NO groceries at all.)

- She is very flexible and has shown her ability on variety shows; although she mainly dances hip hop, she is trained in ballet and lyrical dance.

- When Mirae blushes, her face becomes really red; it is very noticeable.

- She has a delicate laugh that can clearly be heard  on the room next door. (Meaning: her laugh is really really loud and it can actually make you laugh too)

- Because she loves food but wasn't blessed with a divine metabolism, the agency has her on a diet constantly but still she manages to eat a cheeseburguer or two for dinner, even when she is under the manager's watch. (Zelo also helps her sometimes with this, giving her the 'smuggled goods' without anyone knowing.)

- She was a major fan of Big Bang, so she decided to audition for YG Ent. After the third time she got rejected, she stopped going to Big Bang concerts (But she still keeps her signed poster of T.O.P in her drawer).  She still admires 2NE1, though., mainly because of CL

- Mirae knows how to use her cuteness to get the things she wants. 

- She has bowed to become a great artist and performer, so her parents can be proud of her and to make up for all the things she did when she was younger. Somehow, it's her way of showing her parents how grateful she is for everything they have given her, even the opportunity to pursue her dreams, as they did agree to sign the contract that allowed her to enter TS as a trainee and they payed for all her dance lessons. She wants to show them it was all worth it

*Scandals or Rumors:

- A pre-debut picture of her with Zelo garnered a lot of attention. After that, she was marked as the ‘Pedo-noona’ and has gained her many hateful comments from Zelo’s fans.

- Some rumors surfaced about Mirae being a bully in school, and causing the suicide of one of her classmates (Which is totally false).


✌ Love Love Love


Father| Jin Seung Hoon | 51 | OC| Used to work for the Korean government; currently works for a Korean company, his specialty is International Affairs | Focused, capable leader, hard-worker | alive | Mirae always strives to impress her father: she wants to make him proud. He doesn’t really support the idea of her becoming an idol, but he is more accepting of it now. Still he is rather cold towards his daughter, which makes her feel that she is not doing enough.

Mother| Angelina Dubois | 47 | OC | High school teacher of English as a Second Language | Risk-taker, warm-hearted, chatty| alive | Mirae’s mom is more supporting of her decisions; she believes her daughter should do what she loves, as she is just like her. Mirae is really grateful towards her mom, but still feels bad about how much she hurt her when she was younger.


Song Jieun| 23 | SECRET/Vocalist | Kind, bubbly, girly | When Mirae became a trainee in TS, Jieun was already a debuted artist but she was still very caring to her. On her first day, Jieun volunteered to show her around the facilities and gave her tips (Like ‘this door jams, you only need to push it this way…’ and ‘if you are going to use the bathroom, I recommend…’). | Jieun is the sunbae Mirae respects the most, she is the only one she calls ‘unnie’ as they are fairly close. She will normally agree to anything Jieun pushes her to do (Like wearing a dress); on the other hand, Jieun is always making sure Mirae acts properly.

Moon Jongup | 18 | B.A.P/Dancer | Awkward, innocent, shy | Mirae saved Jongup from facing Himchan’s fury when he broke his headphones. She told him it was her fault, and used her cuteness to get out of the problem without getting hurt. | Mirae admires Jongup’s ability to dance and he admires her outspoken nature, they always have a lot of fun dancing together in the studio, especially because she founds him unintentionally hilarious, mostly his actions. She is normally the one that does all the speaking when they are together.

Bang Yongguk | 23 | B.A.P/Rapper | Manly, kind, warm | They met when Mirae escaped her house and stumbled on an underground rap battle. She immediately liked Yongguk’s crew and bowed to become their number one fan. | Even if Mirae still admires and respects Yongguk, he is not her ultimate idol anymore; she treats him like an older brother, annoying him, teasing him about his relationship with a certain girl. Bang also sees her as a younger sister, mentoring her but he also enjoys ticking her off from time to time. In the end, he is very proud of how much she has evolved (And happy that she doesn’t cling onto him anymore).

AJ| 22 | UKiss/Rapper | Intelligent, Nerdy, Sarcastic | They met in Korean Kent foreign school, AJ was already a debuted rapper and that sparked Mirae’s interest, so she simply approached him one day. | They are a couple of nerds, usually speaking about comics and videogames. They mock each other a lot but are very supportive at the same time. He always makes Mirae reflect on things and she always curses at him for being so perceptive (Well, he is studying psychology after all).

Best Friend:

Jung Daehyun | 19 | B.A.P/Vocalist | Dramatic, loud, flirty| They met on the halls of the TS building, when he asked for some directions. Daehyun tried to flirt with Mirae, but she found his terrible attempt hysterical. | They annoy all the other members, of both B.A.P and B.A.B.E, with their high energy (That seems to double whenever they are together). They just seem to be everywhere, ready to make fun of anyone (Especially the maknaes). Daehyun and Mirae fight a lot but they can’t even be mad at each other for three minutes.

✌ I Hate This Love Song

Love Interest: B.A.P's Noona killer, Choi 'Zelo' Junhong.

Personality: Zelo is full of energy, a bit dorky and childish. Despite this, he can be really shy around strangers and if he gets too nervous, he even stutters. Around his friends, he always tries to be cool, but turns out to be funny and kind of lame. He is pure and sweet and likes to be spoiled by his elders. Zelo has very little experience with girls and turns to Jongup for advices (Of course, Jongup ends up misguiding him). He admires his hyungs and can’t wait to mature. He is really sensitive, quite stubborn and every so often misunderstands things.

How did they meet: When they first met, Junhong had arrived early to the practice room, so he started dancing to kill some time. Mirae was also early that day, at first she watched him for a while. After realizing she had made the boy feel uncomfortable, Mirae encouraged him and started free-styling with him, improvising and playing around, soon enough all the tension was gone. Junhong was really happy to find a girl who liked the same music as him.

How they behave around each other: When they are together, they are really playful and somewhat cute. She likes to frustrate him so he will pout and do aegyo for her. It's not unsual for them to do a lot of jokes and silly dances around. However if things turn a bit serious, Mirae will probably find a way to escape before Zelo has a chance to watch her blushing because of him. Mirae actually likes Zelo ever since they danced together in the practice room, but after she found out how old he was, she gave up on the idea of having anything with him and actually tries to pair him with younger girls, that she thinks he may like (Like the maknae of BABE). much to Zelo's chagrin.

Who falls first?: Zelo, he has always admired his noona to no end; he has had a crush on her from the first time he saw her looking at him on the practice room and she is actually the reason his ideal type is a girl who speaks English well. In the beginning it was just a childish crush but when he became more famous and now that he has started looking more mature, he believes he has a chance, so he wants to show her his feelings.

Back-up Love Interest: Block B's leader, Woo 'Zico' Ji Ho.

Personality: Zico is a leader by nature, he likes to make decisions and force them on others. He is very direct and knows what he wants. He is constantly pushing others to do his best. Zico is very rough and doesn’t seem to have a filter, he says whatever he thinks. 

How did they meet: Zico found Mirae's covers of his songs. Impressed, Zico contacted her, as he wanted her to participate in one of the tracks of his new mixtape.

How they behave around each other: When they are together everything is about music, everything is turned into a rhyme and a silly joke. Zico is the dominant party all the time, as Mirae becomes a bit shy when she is with him. She feels weird and giggles a lot when she is with him (Which makes her want to punch herself in the face).

Who falls first?: Mirae, she really likes and admires Zico, especially the way he makes everything cool and funny but, at the same time, he challenges her and gets on her nerves (Maybe because he is a bit too much like her).


✌ I Hate You

Krystal Jung | 19 | f(x)/Vocalist and Dancer| Overconfident, moody, judgmental  | How they met | Krystal usually ignored Mirae, she rolled her eyes at her a lot, but when she was not overlooking Mirae's existence, she will  mocked her for the way she dressed and the way she danced, she told her that nobody wanted a girl who acted like a boy, so to get back at her, Mirae embarrased Krystal, the self-proclaimed best performer of the school, in front of their classmates, by beating her in a dance competition. Krystal told Mirae to remember her name, as she would become really famous and Mirae would not. For the following year, Krystal  transferred to a school especialized in Arts.


✌ You Inside My Dim Memory

How long did she train: 4 years

Trainee life: It wasn’t easy, she went to school during the morning, as her parents put that condition, and then trained all night long (And she had to maintain good grades). However, she felt comfortable with the other trainees; to the point she really feels they are a family. She also had to make a great effort to improve her Korean, to be on pair with other rappers as she would sometimes mumble some words.

How they were accepted: She auditioned for TS, after being rejected by YG Entertainment. She only auditioned there because her idol (And sort-of friend) at that time, Bang Yongguk, was a trainee in TS. She auditioned with an original song, most of it was in English.


✌ Show Time

*Stage Name: E.va (Comes from the name she used while she was living in New York, Evangeline and her nickname Eva and someone in the Company decided to throw a punctuation mark in it to make it look edgy).

Position: Lead Dancer and Lead Rapper

Persona: I-Can’t-Believe-She-Is-Not-The-Maknae hahaha she is actually The Youthfull Mood-maker.

Back-up Position: Sub vocalist and Main Dancer.

Fanclub Name: Cheekiers, because of her reputation as a bold and mischievous, but rather childish, character. Her fandom is basically on crack, sort of like the EXO fandom, they are crazy and outgoing.

Fanclub colors: Fuchsia #F400A1 ["It's not pink, it's effing/freaking fuchsia, okay?"]

Special skills: Creating a dance for any song almost instantly and she also very good at variety shows.

*Pre-debut: she appeared in Bang&Zelo's 'Never Give Up' as a back up dancer.

Singing Twin: Jin Hye won from Co-ed School || 1

Rapping Twin: Yoon Mi Rae - Tasha (Lady T) || 1 [Korean/English] 2 [Korean/English]

Dancing Twin: Chachi Gonzales || Or Pauline Mata 1 2 3

Fan Intro/Message: Annyeong! I’m BABE’s youthful E.va! (In some fan-meetings she has said “I’m BABE’s Maknae!” only to make the maknae pout.)


1. Who is your ideal type?

Waah, such an embarrassing question already? Do I really have to tell? Well, well, I guess my ideal type would be someone like Lee Minho: he is tall, cute and funny but still has some manly charm to him. I like the way he can express everything with a look of his eyes! Such a powerful gaze!

2. Who are you closest to in the group?

I’m the closest to the Main rapper. She is so awesome and strong, I admire her so much! But I really love working with all the girls, they always makes me laugh!

3. If you weren't an idol right now, what would you be doing?

Getting into trouble? Hahaha I would probably be dancing as a hobby and trying to get into college.


✌ Goodbye Baby Goodbye

*Anything else: No, I hope you like her. Please tell me if I need to change anything.
Password 001: EvoL | Delight | GI | Any song by 2NE1 | (Kpop needs more tough/warrior/bad girls, really)
Password 002:  These two, but yeah, Zelo wins.
*Scene Requests?:

- Mirae dancing and being silly in the studio with Zelo and Jongup.

- She interacting with Bang Yongguk, both pestering each other like brothers do.

- Mirae trolling the other members (She always likes to talk about the time she send a text message to all the other members telling them she lost her phone and asking them to call it for her and she received a phone call from all of the other girls).

- Mirae escaping before Daehyun finds out she ate his last cheesecake (With a big, dramatic reaction from Daehyun).


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