Thank You All~~

So, I just realized I have 192 subscribers in total.






I was thinking...I should do something special for 200. Not for just the 200th subscriber- they get a thank you and congrats etc. I want to do something for ALL of my subscribers. But I have no idea what it should be!

I mean all I can do is write, I can't draw or edit vids or anything. You want me to write a certain pairing? Or maybe a different genre? Something from a previous story that confused you and you want me to expand upon it?

Come at me, yo! Leave me some feedback!


I am waiting for you~~~~ ;] 


[none of the gifs are mine- I can't do gifs either ;___; I'm so useless!!!]


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hmm well im not really sure if i've read jaechun, jaemin or jaesu from u so that would be really cool, since everyone got a peek at those pairings from The Way You Are XD..or a zhou min and jae fic would be good, i liked the one you made of them and wouldn't mind reading another..those are my selfish wishes to you..which u totally don't have to listen to but im putting them out there ^_^