
Since cierra mentioned the protests in Brazil, I think it's time for me to speak up (finally, you'd say).

I don't know if you've heard from the Gezi Park protests in Turkey. I did, because I'm Turkish. But it's just as serious as the protests in Brazil.

And, unfortunately, it inspired me to write a Sungyeol-centric oneshot. I know. Inspiration is never something bad.

But for the first time as an author, I wished that this inspiration has never occured.

I'm not going to tell you on which side I am. Those who know me will probably know, anyways.

And since Prime Minister Erdogan said that Twitter is a plague, why not searching there first? Here it is.

Anyways, I've catched a flu, and it's seriously not fun to stay at home while it's about thirty-five degrees Celsius. HOOOT.

Have a nice day, Elly.


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