Caring or Annoying?

Hi all!, This is my first time writing a blog in general but something has been really pissing me off lately that I just had to rant it all out because I feel like I'm about the explode.

You see, I have this guy friend, We;ve known each other for 9 years now and to begin with he wasn't exactly the nicest person, he took pleasure in making me feel bad on a day to day basis when we were at school until we figured out that the new house I moved into with my mam was at the back of his house. At that time we were around the age of 13 years old and gradually, we became friends. 

Anyway, back in June when I found out that SMTown was taking place in Paris I desperately wanted to go and since my birthday is in July; it was going to be an early birthday gift from my Mam. I only had one condition, I had to find someone to go with me. Easy right? Wrong. I live in England and the chance of me stumbling into a Kpop fan is basically zero. I asked this friend if he would want to go with me since he loved to insult me using the french language often with the help of his Iphone ¬.¬ His answer was of course a big no along with the usual "Why do you even bother listening to music you can't understand". I don't usually dignify that question with an answer.

At that point I was beginning to panic because a lot of my friends has refuse to go to Paris just to see SMTown and the ticket would be going on sale in during the follow 2 days. That's when my Mam suggested my friend Emily. I met her in college 2 years ago and we bonded over being short. I stand at 5'0 while she stand at 4'11. She younger than me by one year though so I never thought to ask her. I tried my luck anyway and shethrew me an offer. She comes to SMTown with me if I go to Disneyland Paris with her.

So I had my Paris buddy and began to plan the trip. We got the tickets and the accomodation at a hostel because we were poor, we were okay with staying in a hostel though because we had done it before when we took a trip to London. All the while that we were planning the trip this friend of mine showed no sign of happiness for me that I was going to see some of my favourite idol in person. I chose to ignore it though, being the bigger person and all.

Upon arriving at our hostel in Paris after getting lost because Emily forgot the address to our hostel, we eventually found our way after having the taxi man drive us the the Zenith where SMTown would be taking place. Fortunately for us I had googled the area before going so I knew the general idea of where our hostel was from the Zenith. When we got there I even made a friend in the hostel room that we were staying in who was a huge SNSD fan. I'll call him Chan for now. In the hostel we stayed at there was 5 bunk beds in one room and the rest of the people staying in this room with me and Emily were guys, they were all pretty cool though. Chan was 3 years older than me and the night before the concert we chatted about everything kpop, from girl groups to boy groups, solo artists to dramas. It was really refreshing to have someone to fangirl with, even if he was a guy. During the conversation Emily had gone missing and it wasn't until 1am that I noticed (Bad friend T.T). Chan and I looked everywhere around the hostel for her while the word "Of all the places I could lose her, I lose her in Paris!" rang in my head. Eventually we found her though, or she found us. Turns out she had decided to go get some chicken while Chan and I has been talking. She hadn't realized what time it was until we told her.

So the next day we went to SMTown. we began to line up at 11am and waited until 7PM for the doors to open. It rained hard that day but nothing could damage our spirits, well with the exception of Emily. She had come on the night before so she wasn't feeling that well to begin with. We made some awesome friend there. Mostly ELF's but I did meet a few Shawols and Sones as well. Needless to say SMTown was AM-AZ-ING. We were in the pit and managed to get right at the front of the stage that stretched out into the crowd. I nearly had a heart attack when Key suddenly appeared and smiled at me after F(X) had performed. He was so up close. I even managed to hold Minho's hand! Along with Leeteuk's and bump fists with Shindong. To this day, just thinking about that night makes me smile, it was just perfect.

After the concert was over and Chan had gone home, not after swapping facebook info with me that is. Emily and I did a day in Disney Land before beginning out journey home on the night. The journey wasn't that bad as I somehow ended up sitting next to a Shawol who had also been to the concert. Her shawol friend sat 2 rows back from us and inbetween sat 2 other shawols who had been to the concert so we had alot to talk about going home. We swapped facebook info along with showed each other our photos we had managed to take at SMTown. I was the only one who had managed to record Onew's fall during Ready or Not up close since he fell right infront of me and smiled into my camera.

Once back home I was still on an SMTown high but my guy friend was having none of it and chose to insult the artists I had gone to see without knowing anything about them. I ignored it, I wanted to be happy at that moment and not let his comments bring down my mood.

So now we're back to present time. Chan and I have gotten closer through the magic of Internet. Me managed to stay in touch and text each other almost every day. 2 weeks ago he sent me a text telling me about Music Bank that is taking place in Paris in February of next year. He wanted to know if I was going so I called up Emily to see if she could come with. She's busy with University though and couldn't come. My mam said there was no condition this time and if I wanted to go then I should. The only problem was I've never travelled alone as you can tell since I'm still alive. My sense of direction i really bad and I would never trust myself to travel out of town without someone next to me. I had to text Chan and let him know that I might not be able to go. After explaining to him what the problem was he offered to travel with me. I talked everything through with my mam since we're close and I didn't want to go with her feeling uncomfortable about the whole situation. She knows that Chan and I are just friends and we connect through Kpop. So after my mam give the OK, Chan and I began to plan. The tickets went on sale a few days ago and Chan and I were up at the crack of dawn to get our tickets. Despite having a cold, I managed to drag myself out of bed to get online and order them. Chan ordered 4 tickets since 2 of his other friends were coming along with us despite not knowing a whole lot about Kpop. I got my own ticket with Chan's extra ticket as a back up incase I didn't manage to get mine.

Luckily I managed to get it and it arrived yesterday in a rather big package for just 1 little ticket, but whatever. I let Chan know it had come so he was free to sell the extra ticket on a forum site when his arrive. That's when I got a phone call from my friend. I had posted on my facebook wall "1 more day to go!" and he demanded to know what I was so excited about. I told him about the Paris trip I was doing and how I'm going to Music Bank next year. He asked who I was going with and I told him. He's never met Chan but I've talked about Chan to him, he never seemed like he was listening though O.o

Anyway, when he found out I was going with Chan he asked who I was rooming with. Obviously it would be Chan, I didn't try and hide it because at the end of the day Chan and I are just friends. However, my friend did not see it this way and began to rant at me. I really didn't catch of most of what he said because he talks really fast when he's usually calm. I managed to catch a few phrazes though.

"If you get chopped up don't say I didn't warn you when you get back"

If i get chopped up I wouldn't be coming back, right?

"You'll probably end up sleeping with him"

I'm stilla at the age of 20, does he honestly think I'd keep it this long for a one night stand?

"I can't believe you're going to see them stupid korean groups again"

Better than Paris Hilton who you're so obsessed with her XP

"What about Emily?!"

And so on.

He just can't be supportive at all and then he had the nerve to come over to my house that night and about it to my mam. You see, this friend of mine is really close with my mam and her boyfriend. I tihnk he spends more time with them than he does with me sometimes and often comes over on the night to watch television with them ¬.¬

he started ranting at my Mam about it saying "I can't believe you're letting her go to Paris with than Chan guy". My mam simple said "She's 20 years old and she can make her own decisions. I can't stop her and she's met Chan before and has talked to him every day since she went to Paris last time, Would you rather her go by herself?".

I couldn't help but stick my tounge out at him at that point but obviously my mams words didn't reach him to see reason as he began to rant all over again to the both of us. Now he's telling me he's going to buy me a alarm and pepper spray to take with me and he's telling my mam that she should put me on the pill!

Excuse me?!

I'm 20 years old, if I want to go on the pill then I'll go on it by myself and once again, Chan and I are just friends!!!

Do you see why I'm so angry?

I know he's just worried about me but he's blowing everything way out of proportion. It feels like he doesn't even know me at all. My MOTHER is even more calmer about this than him. Either way, I've got my tickets and my spazzing partner for Music Bank in February and there's nothing he can do about it. 

End of Rant XD


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