Seoul's Elite School of Supernatural Abilities Application || Song Euna


AFF Username: Starlight_Yuki97

AFF Profile Link:

What should I call you?: Yuki


Name: Song Euna

Age: 17

Date of Birth: 01/01/95

Birth Place: Pyeongyang, North Korea

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Personality: Euna, despite her innocent looks, is not as cheerful as some people may think. Holding many scars of her past, Euna is never really social and keeps everything to herself. Even with the gift she possesses, she doesn't share what she sees. With that said, Euna takes a while to be able to trust someone. On a normal basis, she rarely talks and when she does, she is extremely blunt and spiteful. At the same time, despite her cold personality, she secretly helps others when she feels they need help. She's also an extreme stickler when it comes to rules. She can also be a very warm, kind, and funny person when she gains trust and comfortable.



·being alone

·looking up at the stars




·Breaking rules

·Talkative, annoying people

·Stubborn people

·Loud music

·Any type of abuse




·Praying for her family

·Hiking by the ocean


·Blanks out when bored

·Shakes when in fear

·Immeadietly does delf defense when anybody comes behind her

·Glares at everyone when entering anywhere


·She's left handed

·Real name is Hyun Kyungeun, 'Song Euna' is only a cover

·Knows martial arts

·Always wear a single chain necklace given by her mother

·Always jogs in the morning

Backgroud/Family Past: Being born in a family of ones with supernatural powers, her parents were heavily recruited by the government. With her father's power of seeing ghosts and her mother's power of precognition, they were both heavily used by the government. Pretty soon, the government also started using Euna after finding out she had special gifts as well. However, most of the time, her powers rarely surfaced and she was phsyically abused for it. This all happened for six years until her parents decide to have Euna cross over to ensure her safety. With a trusted friend, a man named Wonjo, Euna crossed over and left her parents in Pyeongyang.


Ulzzang Name: Da In

Ulzzang Links:

Back-up ulzzang name: Park Jihyun

Back-up ulzzang links:

Short body discription: Really short, extremely thin, and pale skin

Marks: Euna has many knife scars on her back and one on her left cheek.




How do you wear you uniform?: Neat and as it should be



Father: Hyun Sujong|49|Yes, Seeing Ghosts

Mother: Seo Heemin|44|Yes, Pregcognition

Adoptive Father: Kwak Wonjo {Now Song Kanghoon}|47|No


Changjo (Teen Top)

Eunji (A-Pink)


Suzy (Miss A)

Son Naeun (A-Pink)

Lover/Partner: Hyunshik (BTOB)

What is your type of relationship: A one sided love couple. Hyunshik is kind to Euna, but she is really cold to him until she trusts him


Power: Retrocognition

Description of your power: Upon seeing an object of some importance, she sees a past behind it at will. Same with people.

Back-up power: Seeing Ghosts

Back-up description: Euna can feel and see ghosts whnever they are around

Can you control your power well?: 7

Physical Strength: 6

Mental Strength: 8


Scene request?: Flashbacks of the character's past

Comments?: This is a really interesting fic. ^^ Hwaiting!

Anything else?: Nope



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