SWEETEAcademy -> Jeon Sun Hye -> Mermaid Castle

Jeon Sun Hye / Krystal Jeon



>Getting To Know You:
Username: AliceHwang1 - Link: Click~
What can we call you?: Alice or Lih ^.^
How often are you on?: 9



>A Girl I Know:
Name: Jeon Sun Hye
Nick Name(s): SunSun / Krys


Personality: Krystal being a girl from a very rich family, she was a spoiled girl who always wanted all the time she wanted. She was Queenka at his school and was super popular among everyone. People were afraid of her because she was always cold and everyday intimidated everyone. She never confided in people and really knew his friends were just close to her because of her money, but she just did not care for it. For her to have friends, even if false, is more important than being a people without anyone. But she changed. For one reason, of course. His own friends started doing everything she did to others, to herself. Everyone was ignoring and being super cold with it. Krystal realized that what she did was really bad and now she wants to become a better person, but it's hard because no one talks to her. Krystal has a good heart and can be very good and funny, but now it's too late, maybe ... She wants to go back and remove all she did for everyone and be a better person. She just wants someone to talk to her, want to have true friends. Krystal certainly knows his "friends" of the past will not come back to talk to her, but she really does not care for them. Now she wants to have friends who like her for what she is and not for money. She is trying so hard to become a better person.
Birthdate: 08/17/1994
Birth Place: New York - USA
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean, American
Ethnical Name: Krystal Jeon
Language(s): Korean ( Fluent ) / English ( Fluent ) / Mandarin ( Basic ) / Japanese ( Basic )
  • Family
  • Shopping
  • Aegyo
  • Pink
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Snow
  • Winter
  • Cheesecakes
  • Ice Cream
  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • God
  • Fake people
  • Insects
  • Dark
  • Height
  • Vegetables
  • School
  • Studying
  • Wake up early
  • Be ignored
  • Drawing
  • Taking pictures
  • Dancing


  • Biting lips
  • Throws objects when angry is
  • Talking in your sleep
  • Sleeping late


  • Swimming


  • Piano
  • Guitar


  • It may not look it, but she can cook very well.
  • Has a puppy called Glimmer
  • She really likes to dance and many say she dances well.
  • She wants to be a professional dancer or a doctor when it is larger.
  • She is allergic to shrimp.
  • His parents have tried to arrange a marriage for her to see if her personality changed, but Krystal has threatened to run away if they did and they gave up
  • It is quite hard to wake up.
  • She does not like when everyone call her by her Korean name and wants everyone to call Krystal.
  • Has been expelled from a school because intimidated the daughter of the director.
>Beautiful Target:
Appearance: Do hwe Ji
Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Back-Up Appearance: Jang Chom Mi || Chom
Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Height: 168cm / 66.14
Weight: 47kg / 103.6173


>Beautiful Target 2:
Party Dresses: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
*Hairstyle: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
*Head Piece: [1] [2] [3
Shoes: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
*Jewelry: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7




Jeon Sun Hee - 38 - Stylist - Mon She is a very amiable woman and always very protective of his daughter. She is always worrying about others and unlike many wealthy people, she is a very humble woman and is always helping everyone. - 10 -  Alive

Jeon Hyung Mi - 41 - Bussinesman - Dad - He's a very friendly and very funny. He loves to entertain people, especially his daughter. Sometimes it may seem serious and cold, but it's a very cool and fun. Super protective of his daughter and his wife and is always helping everyone. - 10 - Alive



Jeon Jae Hoon - 21 - Doctor - Brother - He is a very funny kid and protector. He loves hanging out with her sister and always makes jokes with her. Jae Hoon always helps everyone and pulled his parents very much. He is one of the few people who know true Krystal and this is always very nice to her. - 10 - Alive



>Ma Boy:
Love Interest: Xi Luhan
Personality: Luhan is a boy very protective and always being like a brother to everyone, especially for Krystal. He knows when a person is good or bad and this is one of your best qualities. Luhan see what anyone (Besides his family) can see on Krystal ... a heart good. He is very athletic and can be good at almost every sport you can imagine. Somewhat popular at his school, all the girls are delighted with her ​​beauty and her baby face. Anyway ... Luhan is a very special boy.
How Did You Guy's Meet?: Krystal arrived at his school and how it was always close to your friends, but to his surprise, they ignored her and left her side. She was super angry and started yelling at them, saying various things, but it was a bad decision. One of the girls of his "clique" threw his juice on her. Krystal was surprised and everyone started to laugh at her. She was so sad but at the same time angry. Your "Friends" started calling her offensive words and yelling at her saying things that really hurt. But suddenly they heard a loud noise, they looked toward the noise and saw Luhan. He went up to them and grabbed Krystal's hand and started pulling her away from there, but before he warned everyone to stay away from her. Krystal did not understand why he was doing it for her and it was super cold with it. But when he helped her, she remembered her brother and how he was very protective of her. Krystal calmed down, but still wanted to know why he is helping her. Luhan just said that since she was his office, he thought he had to help. Krystal found out he is a very good boy and thought he could be his friend.
How They Act Around Each other: Luhan is the only one who talks to her and gets close to her. This makes it really sad, but happy at the same time because she has Luhan. The two always talk and Luhan always protects and helps her to become a better girl. He knows that she is really a girl with a good heart. She really wants to help her, but ended up falling in love with her and he does not know what to do now, so it remains just a friend and a big brother to her.
Love Interest's Suit: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10


>Ma Boy 2:
Back-Up Love Interest: Jung Daehyun
Personality: May be the same as the other? Since it's a back up if the first is not used, and can use that will have the same personality. Well, if not, please let me know and I exchange.
How Did You Guy's Meet?: May be the same as the other? Well, if not, please let me know and I exchange.
How They Act Around Each other: May be the same as the other? Well, if not, please let me know and I exchange.
Back-Up Love Interest's Suit: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10




Name: Moon Hye Rin

How they became rivals: She was the girl who threw the juice over Krystal. She was just really close to Krystal because of his money, but she got tired of it and decided to ignore Krystal.

How they act around each other: After what Hyerin made ​​with Krystal, she simply ignores Hyorin and his clique and always passes straight through them all.



>The End:

Anything else/Suggestions?: I hope you like me ^.^ Thanks
Password?: The Queenka / Back up : The Laughing stock


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