⌊ ∞ ¦ my duty is to my heart ⌉ ⌢ min jaeji



lee jaeji!


name: min jaeji
age & birthday: 21
enthnicity: full korean
hometown: seoul, korea
known languages: korean (fluent) english (fluent) mandarin (conversational)

occupation: unemployed

ulzzang: lee soohyun
back up ulzzang: i don't have to
gallery: but you do

height & weight: 176 cm + 63kg
appreance: has a scar on her upper, right arm from when she burned herself while cooking. has pink tips dyed on her hair

casual: jaeji is the definition of a fashionista. When going out anywhere, she'll wear the latest trends and whatever is in style. In public, even as casual wear, she never where's pants or shorts. Always and only skirts and dresses. That's her style, and no one can change that: ~ ~ ~

formal: dresses, dresses, and more dresses. for jaeji, she has to look the best when it comes to the parties her father happens to host she can wear any style of dress, but she prefers the frilly style. on occasion, she'll wear a more flattering dress for her figure: ~ ~ ~

home: this is the only environment where she'll where whatever. it can be shorts, t-shirts, baggy clothes, anything. it's whatever she's in the mood to wear, although it will still look awesome on her. she does what she wants in her house: ~ ~ ~

extra: where's her wedding ring proudly and doesn't take it off. it suits her style and it's very unique.



"i was rushed into marriage"


personality traits: sweet, polite, charming, sensible
occupation: e.r. doctor
how you two met: on their wedding day. jaeji's parents set her up to marry hongbin without her consent at all. they told her about this a week before the wedding date was set for. they had talked on the phone a couple times to talk about planning but that was the gist of it. they finally saw each other for the first time when jaeji walked down the aisle, and they were both relieved slightly to see that their parents at least chose someone that was easy on the eyes.

how you interact: they were a bit awkward with each other in the early stages. they took their two week honeymoon time to get to know each other a bit, no matter how resentful they were towards the entire situation. slowly, but surely, they became more like roommates than lovers, they even considered each other best friends. he had insisted on her just relaxing and let him take care of paying for the house, but she at least took on the duties of cleaning and cooking all the meals. they love each other, that much is true, but as siblings would, not like a true married couple.
newlywed life: their life is very relaxed and comfortable. they both have their roles and they stick to it faithfully. she always has a freshly made dinner ready for him for whenever he comes home. he will buy her whatever she wants, even though it's not much, just things like new cooking ware, a shirt, or some medicine that she needs for her stomach. they care for each other very much. they have tried to become intimate with each other, just to see if they could fulfill their parents wishes and to see if there were any feelings, but they ended up laughing be ause they couldn't take how ridiculous the situation was. they will playfully flirt with each other though for a fun, and they don't mind looking at the other since they are both very good looking. also, since their plan of having children had failed, they decided to get a dog. it's a white pomeranian puppy that he had named cotton, since she looked like a little cotton ball. simply put, they are comfortable around each other and don't mind having fun and just relaxing with each other.
extra: whoops


○ "well you too!" oh my, jaeji has quite a mouth doesn't she? well, she's certainly not lady-like, if that's what you were wondering. despite her gentle and very feminine appearance, she's as tough as they come. jaeji isn't afraid to get down and dirty with her speech and her actions. she grew up as an only child and turned into a bit of a rebel as she grew older and wiser. she has a vocabulary that would make any sailor blush, especially when she's fired up. her attitude made her a bit difficult to approach but she slowly learned to calm herself depending on her environment. she still holds her rough attitude when the time calls for it, but she's getting used to being the woman she needs to be to make her family proud.

○ "i-it's cute..." one thing that jaeji cannot resist are things that are suitable to her tastes. she's quite fashionable so she has a trendy and contemporary style. not only that, her weakness is no doubt things that are cute. baby animals, babies in general, girly colors, etc. she just can't avoid them. she may have a hard shell and tough aura, but she will willingly and absolutely break down for cute things. don't get her wrong, she's still rough, but she knows how to be girly as well. how else was she to make a suitable wife for hongbin?

 "stay behind me!" any stranger that has the pleasure of coming in contact with jaeji knows how heroic she is. if she's around when a crime is happening, even something as petty as a small theft, she will do what is right. she isn't afraid to even out herself in danger for someone she doesn't even know; she'll always be there to help. she's risked her life before, causing her to get scolded by hongbin, but she just can't help herself. it's her reflex, the one thing that will always remain constant with her. she has a strong sense of justice and security. she doesn't do it for the attention, she just wants everything to be right and peaceful with the area that she's in. sensible? hell no. just? very.

 "back the hell up!" jaeji is very independent, she hates when people get involved with problems she thinks she should be able to solve on her own. she will only allow one person to help her, and that's hongbin. if it's not him, she won't accept anything. this has caused her to be very reserved lately and no one likes to really approach her when she's aggravated. she's very secluded with her life, and she doesn't have many friends because of her outer attitude that no one takes the time to break through or is patient enough to try. she's a lonely person, craving for more human interaction, but she won't let people in.


babies, animal or human
chocolate milk
listening to music
models like won jongjin
soft things like cotton balls, stuffed animals, etc.
hot, dry weather
collecting cell phone cases


wet, cold weather
fruits, they have too much acidity in them
brain freezes
texting, she'd rather hear the person's voice
vultures, they're just ugly
the color brown
cheap things, her motto is "you get what you pay for"
lots of wires at an outlet, she always trips over them


 photography with her husband
 flower arranging


wiggles her toes when she's focusing
flips her hair out of her face when she's around someone she thinks is attractive (including her husband)
chews the inside of her cheek when she's irritated or angry


 her dream job was to be a criminal profiler
 knows a few people in the kpop industry due to her family being so well known and well off
 isn't a
 her korean celebrity crush is daehyun from big bang while her american celebrity crush is johnny knoxville from the jackass movies
 loves to get manicures 
 doesn't like feet. she hates when people touch her feet, touch her with their feet, or be anywhere near feet other than her own
 can play the flute
 knows how to drive both a car and motorcycle
 favorite food is chicken
 only uses headphones when listening to music, never earbuds


 jaeji has lived a very easy life as far as finances goes. she was a spoiled brat who always got what she wanted, being a princess and always feeling that she was above everyone else. she never had many friends because she thought they were all beneath her. as she was growing up, she was pushed to be the best in whatever she did by her mother. her parents were married through an arranged marriage like herself, so her mother wanted her to be everything she was when she was younger. Jaeji was pushed to be the first of her class all the time, had to learn languages that her father's company dealt with. once she hit puberty she slowly started to realize what the real world is like. she became accustomed to what life was really like outside her little happy bubble, meaning she actually got friends. unfortunately for her, those friends turned out to only wanna use her for her money. that's why she has a hard time making friends because she only thinks everyone is using her for the money her daddy has. her only true friend outside of hongbin is one of her day's intern to his engineering company, and that's lee jaehwan, though he prefers to be called ken. 


father: min sung | 54 | 5 | hardworking, caring, attentive
mother: min chongok | 56 | 3 | strong, independent, silent


best friend: lee hongbin | 19 | 5 | charming, kind, possessive 
friend: lee jaehwan | 21 | 4 | funny, witty, adorable


jung "leo" taekwoon!



  personality traits: stoic, shy, a bit violent, precious when it comes to children and animals
occupation: heir to his family's business/wealth
how you met: they had met at one of her father's parties when she was 18 and he was 19. their families were relatively close at the time and they were the only two just standing off to the side while their parents were it mingling. the two didn't acknowledge each other at first, despite their close proximity. it wasn't until they both reached out for a glass of wine that they finally gave in and said a simple hi to the other. that slowly led to light conversation about their families. eventually, they went to her large room in her parent's house after having a few more drinks and, well... can you guess? they were each other's firsts, they explored their bodies in ways they didn't think possible. 

how you interact: after that one night, they continued to meet for a month, either just talking, taking a small walk, or getting intimate on the rare occasion. all those things came to a sudden halt for them. as things where starting to get hot and heavy, jaeji's mother happened to come in. that awkward moment. she chased leo out from her hourse and forbade jaeji from ever seeing him again. the min's cut all ties with the jung's no matter how benificial the relationship was. the two tried to meet up in secret but it was always in vane. eventually, they just forgot about each other. even if they were each other's first love.
relationship: non-existent unfortunately
extra: wambamthankyoumam  



comments: i love grace bby~
scene suggestions: 




thanks for taking the time to fill this out!

"V. I. double X in da house!"

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one night stand..
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