working as the {barista}, it's {Seo Jinae}!



꽃미남 라면게

Flower Boy Ramen Shop


getting hungry ?

username:  Tamikq1234

 nickname:  Tami

our journey begins

character name:  Seo Jinae

 date of birth + age:  08/09/95 + 17

birthplace + hometown:  Incheon, South Korea | Seoul, South Korea

 height + weight:  165cm and 55kg

ethnicity:  Korean

 spoken languages:  Korean: Native | English&Chinese: Fluent, learn as a child. 

ulzzang 1:  Lee Eun Ji, >clickeu<.

 ulzzang 2:  Baek Jaeah, >clickeu<.

other:  I have a cross necklace that my mother left behind before she passed away. 

I consider my style to be kid-ish. I like graphic tees with cartoon characters, pictures, wordings, and different designs or patterns. I'm the type of girls who don't like to reveal much skin so I tend to wear skinny jeans and a pair of converse. Depending on the occasion I would wear a dress but other than that, its very rare to see me in one. I don't like dying my hair and keeps it at its naturally brown state. I'm pretty much down to earth so I don't really care to much about my outfit as long as its comfortable I'm fine. 

style: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | 

finding yourself

personality traits:  Self-kept, Protective, Understanding, Level-headed, Bubbly. 

"Me, Myself and I." As a little girl I didn't have many people to talk to and I had crated a distance between me and those who are important to me. I'm afraid, afraid that one day everyone who I truly care about would leave me behind fending for myself in a world thatis so scary like umma did. Appa himself buried himself in his work after the incident and was left in a big house raised up by the maids and butler who lived there as well. I don't like drama, more like I don't know how to faced it. What are the consquences when I come face to face with it? Will I be able to stand up to it? 

"I Got Your Back." Though I don't admit it, I consider everyone from the ramen shop my family. They filled in the empty space that have been missing for my whole life. Without them knowing I would sliencely watch after them in very different way depending on who it is. Like Eunchan-unnie I'm always there to help her when the others are busy goofing around or when the Kind Hearted Gangster oppa come home late at night with scars all over him, I'm there with the first aid ready to fix him up. If one of our dongsaeng come home with teary eyes, I'll make sure to hunt that person down for making my aegi cry. 

"I'm All Ears." Going through my own pains as I go on in life, I can under others hardship. I'm a good listner and don't really judge you by what you are doing but rather who you are. I have good advices to give when you need it. A hand to get you out of sticky situation. Though I might not know much of you don't be shy coming to me when you need some there to support you. I sometime push aside my own feelings for others which isn't a great nor a bad one, to me as long as people around me are happy I'm happy. 

"Common Sense." I tend to be a rational person and the only sane one in a sticky situation. If there were a situaion between two people I know I would be more than gladly to help. I would listen to both side story and try to slove among them. In sticky situation I don't panic, at least I try not to, knowing that the more you panic the messier things gets. I don't tend to judge other because everyone have their flaws and perfections. 

"Surprise Surprise!" I'm known for my somewhat of a 'nerdy ice princess' mage because I don't associate with other and don't say much when I'm around  people. But if I'm comfortable enough with you I would be my true bubbly self. Eunchan-unnieand the Handsome Oppa had witness it themself, towards the other I'm still getting a little use to but one day they'll see me for me. As a little girl I was always loud and outgoing but over-time I locked that little girl within myself. I guess  I'm just waiting for that one person to unlock the trap and let me free.

why did you run away:  
After my umma passed away when I was relatively young, my appa got re-married. Though my step mother is very nice, I just don't feel comfortable around even all the years growing up with her around the house. I don't treat her badly nor do I treat her nicely, I feel bad at times because she always treated me like her own daughter. When I was 16 my appa and I got into an argument because he wanted to send me New Zealand to study aboard but I refused  not wanting to leave umma all alone by herself in that gloomy cemetery. So I decided to pack my clothes that night and ran away from home. 

My umma died when I was 4. Ever since then my whole childhood life had crash into bits and pieces. Appa spend his time at work, burying himself in it so the would supposedly go away. As for me, I stayed trapped in a big house full of maids and a butler to take care of me in place of my father. Umma's death effected me alot, I wasn't able to talk be in a comfort zone with other because I 'm scared that if I get to close once they leave me I'll be all alone again. Umma had always been there for me every step of the way that all a sudden she gone. As a little umma had always had a very weak immune system and tend t o get sick easily. Sadly after giving birth to me her situation had got worst, she tend to get sick more often to the point she have to be admitted to the hospital. Appa own quite a well known music entertainment, SeoStar Entertainment. He spend most of his time in office and very few time at home even when I got older. I practically was raised up by the maids and our butler so I never really adpat the 'spoil rich kids' qualities. 

He re-married Miyooni-ahjumma when I was 10 years old, which surprised me because I rarely see him go out with anyone. Miyoon-ahjumma  isn't what you think a step-mother would, evil or greddy, but rather a nice person. She always had treated me like her very own daugther and tries to make me comfort. It was just me, who find it hard and uncomforatble to open to someone who I should be calling mother when my real mother is buried beneath me. When was 13 Miyoon-ahjumma gave birth to my younger sister Jiyeon, who is now 4 years old. Me and Jiyeon had no problem getting along, I get very protective of her. I remeber she came home crying because some boy decided it was funny to break her crayons. Even though it is just some kiddy situation I made sure that while I picking up from her PreK school that I'll have a talk with him. 

Slowly our company slowly raised to the top and we were more well known. Appa wanted me to take over the company since I'm the oldest and there's no other male in our house. I refused because I wanted to be singer because my umma's wish was to become a singer.  All hell broke loose in the house, everytime I see my appa it only involve us fighting and Miyoon-ahjumma trying to separate us. Appa throw the last draw when he decided to send me to New Zealand for my studies. I refused because I don't want to be far from my umma, so I decided to run away from home.

I was only 17, what can a young teenager do but live on the streets and try to survive the 'real world'. It was th stupidest thing I did to run away during the night-time out pn the dark streets where most gangster like to hang around. I tried my best hiding under the shadows but I knew my covered was blew when I feel a pair of arms hugging me agianst their body while covering my mouth. I was scared out of mind and it didn't help that he was whispering in my ears so I did what I knew would probably safe myself, balled my hand into a fist swinging it backwards to where the sun don't shine  and run away screaming for help while his boys are tailing me. It was until I ran into a built body in front of me. That night the most dangerous boy from my school had safed my life from the dangerous gangsters and from the streets. HE had offered my a place to stay after we had small talk, I wasn't to sure about it but he said I can meet the owner of I wanted to. It was better tha nbeing on the streets so I decided to go with him. 

what would you do if you saw a family member?: 
I have seen Miyoon-ahjumma around the streets all the time, I know she's looking even if my dad had probably disown me. But everytime I see I can't help but feel ashamed of myself and would turn the opposite way. Honestly if I was ever to come face to face with my  appa I wouldn't know what to do, run probably.

1) ramen; beside the point that I'm working at a ramen shop, I just love ramen.
2)coffee; I'm technically addicted.
3) music; music introduce me to a new worldwhen I was 13 and calms me down easily 
4) teddy bears; I like soft things and their cute.
5) sleeping; I would give anything up for sleep. 

1) black; it remind me of death.
2) talking about my umma; it too much for me to handle.
3) getting lost; I've never been good with direction and tend to get lost all the time and then I would panic. 
4) hosiptal; I hate going the hospital every since umma died. 
5) drama; its sich a hassle.

1) being wrongly accused; it unfair on my end being accused of something I never did.
2) bugs; they are just scary.

1) I like skipping class and just go to the library to study, doing homework, read, or just to sleep.
2) Whenever I feel stress I would go visit umma.
3) Pouts when I disagrees with something.

1) Singing; it remind me of my umma everytime I sing becaus eshe used to sing for me.
2) Read; that pretty why I go to the library alot. 
3) I like making new drink to introduce to customers.

1) Being alone: after my umma's death, appa had buried himself in his work and left me home with the maid s and the butler who practically raised me up. Being home in such a big house was scary. 
2) Thunder: as a little girl went ever theres a thunder storm appa wasn't ever there to calm me down like how umma used to, so I had to suffer it myself growing up. 
3) Love: I'm afraid that if I love someone to much that when they leave the pain would be unbearable. 

1) I cry really easily but never let anyone see it.
2) No one knows I'm SeoStar's CEO's daughter.
3) I can cook, which I learned from the maids.
4) I still visit my sister at her school and spend time with her before sending her home. 

defining quirk:  
I have a tendency of singing to myself  out of the blue if the room gets to quite, you can catch me singing when I'm doing the dishes or folding the clothes. The guys at the shop always complain about it because the song that I sing usually get stuck in there head. 

doing what you love (or hate)

GPA:  3.5

 personal view on Eunchan's Rules:  
I don't mind her ruling at all. I mean the curfew is fine with since I rarely step foot out the house since I rather stay in my room doing whatever I am doing. My grades aren't as bad but I don't mind helping other with homework or have extra study time. Chores? I like cleaning so I don't mind that either, even though I grew in a rich household I like doing my own chores. Activity night sound fun, so I'm not complaining. The only problem is interacting with the others, the person I usually talk is either unnie or Handsome oppa since Kind Hearted oppa and myself have this awkward relationship.

how you act in school:  
I don't particularly ignore nor do I acknowledge my other 'room-mates', a simple hello and I would go on with my life. I guess you would called the lonely nerd because I like being by myself and spend  my time in the library either reading, doing homework or just sleeping. When it come to school I don't have much interest, I'm just attending so Eunchan-unnie doesn't nag at me. I come to class and if its a class I like I would stay up for the class, if not I'll just sleep or run off to the library. Luckily I pass all of tests and able to answer all the teacher throw at me after catching me slipping during class. I do keep my grades up by study while lunch break in the library or after school in the library. 

 will you have to do a study session:  
I don't think my GPA will slip anytime soon but I still join the study session just for extrastudying and help the other at the same time.

job:  Barista

 views on your job:  
I like my job honestly. The employees are all very nice though we have different views and morals. Wunchan-ssi shop seem to bring us in like puzzle that needed to be put together. I enjoy it when customers compliment my drinks, its makes feel complete that I am able to make someone enjoy at least a little of their life everytime they take a sip of the drink I made. 

work ethic?:  I'm not that awesome but I'm a hardworking employee, helping others who need help when I'm done with my job. 

 chore:  Laundry.

favorite family activity:  
Activities that we do together are fun, but my most favorite thing to is when we sit around the bonfire and talk. It create a greater step in our relationship with each other as a whole. We are able to understand each other more the more time we spend together, we are able to relate to each other problem. Though everytime its my turn to speak able part of past I can't help but feel all emotions rushing back into me.

making a home

do you like living with the band of misfits:  
Yes, though I might be the quite one there, everyday with them is like a new adventure and we creates so much memories with each other.

 favorite male:  The Kind Hearted Gangster

least favorite male:  The Hopeless Cause.

 what kind of roomate are you?:  
I tend to be a neat freak when it comes to my room and like everything to be right where I can find it. I'm a light sleeper and don't like my room to have any spec of light during the night when I'm sleeping. I'm the one who usually filled the fridge when no one seem to notice we're running low on foods. While the others are fight the tv I would go out and buy snacks, so by the time I come back everyone would be calm and ready for whatever it is.

pet peeves:  
I don't like it when my privacy is be invaded, whether you're going through my stuff or in my bubble space. I dislike being tease and Hopeless Cause seems to have to take notice and made his everyday routine to bother me. 

 are you respectful?:  
I treat everyone who is older than with the utmost respect, whether I like you or not. Eunchan-unnie is already kind as she is keeping us under her roof I definitely don't want to disrespect her in any shape or form. As for the Handsome Oppa, he always take time of his days to look after us well and always been there for us. Then again for everyone else at the shop, I respect each and everyone them as well. I mind my own business unless it something that is serious then I'll step up my game and say something or do something.

do you like animals?:  I'm perfect find of pets, I think there are so cute! Sorry .____.

 do you see yourself fighting with the others?:  
Maybe, it all depends on how serious the situation is. Though I'm not much of a fighter. But if I was wrongly accused for something I will give that person a piece of my mind. Then again the Kind Heart Gangster Oppa tend to come home with scratches and bruises , in which I treated, and we usually argues about it. 

finding love

plotline:  The Kind Hearted Gangster.

 his name:  Dong Woosuk (King)

back up:  Park Jimin

 what kind of guy is he?:  Mysterious, Care-free, Kind, Hot-Headed, Protective.

"What?" It would be the greatest mission to ever try and figure oppa out. He always have this mysterious aura around that makes girls love him and guy to fear him. One minutes he's happy and the next sad, his emotions are like roller coaster going on a wild frenzy which makes it hard to pin-point his true feelings on things. Even though he's is talkative to us went we're at the shop but if you look deep into his dark brown eyes you can see that there's something missing, a spark? He secret have a very humorous side that only comes out without him knowing it.

"I don't care." As ever gangster is, he's care-free and don't like getting himself into sticky stuff unless it for him to survive.  He's never one to complain about anything and everything goes. He tend to be down to earth and doesn't give any care to those who judge him without know him. He have never been a big person consequences, which is why he do thing in a very risky way that would give you a heart attack. 

"Just because I'm gangster doesn't mean I evil." Everyone knows that Dong Woosuk is a gangster and without any doubt people fear him. Yet life have a way with the irony that comes, because on the outside he appeared to be the big bad wolf but on the inside he is a very sweet and caring guy. He don't show in school as much and when he do he always covered in bruises and scars, so it cover his true self. He always there to help any of us out when we needed to and every when we don't need any help. He saved us from the streets and found us a home. 

"BACK OFF!" Though he's kind, oppa still have a short temper. Me and him argue everytime because I tend to nag at him for not be careful with what's he's doing and coming home late with these bruises and scars. He have very low patience and loses his temper after a certain amount of time. He doesn't get mad only about annoying things but also when we ourselves are doing things that aren't that great, like me skipping class, or Hopeless Cause skipping school or Temperamental Flowerboy gets all cocky and treats the other badly, Jaedyn oppa will scowled us. 

"Don't touch my family!" He get very protective of us becuase he sees us as his family. The fact that he practically grew up with the Kang's makes him even more protective of Eunchan-unnie. He tend to set aside his feelings for us and the impossible just for us. He know being a gangster can cause alot of trouble when it comes to people who are close to him so he always keep a good look out for any kind of danger, 

 his background: 
Woosuk grew up as the only child with both of his parents. His family been visit the Kang's ramen shop ever since he was in diapers, so he grew close to the Kang. His father had been fighting with lung cancer for as long as he was a baby. It was until he turned 13 that his father passed away and left him and his mother a great amount of money on the medical bills.Ever since  than he rarely catch any sight of his mother because she always busy working to pay off their debt. So because  his mother , who is so busy with work, doesn't have time to pay any attention to him, he when off on the wrong path with the wrong people joining a gang. Ever since then he decided to leave home and just stay somewhere else for his mother sake, so she could be safe and she wouldn't need to spend any more money on him. Yet he does have a side job at the Kang's and whenever he get paid he would send the money to his mother. 

why did he run?:  Family problems. He felt as though it better if he leave his house to find a job and just send the money home to his mother would be a better idea than staying there doing nothing.

 his defining quirk?:  Spacing out, you can be in a deep conversation with and the next thing you know he not even replying back to you with a dazed look on his face. 

Though he had saved my life, in which I am grateful for, but when were together we tend to be awkward. Even time he sees me he would stare at then and not say anything, whenever I ask him does he wants something he shakes his head and walks off.  I wouldn't say I hate his presence but rather like it. I always bump into him when I run off to the library, he would sit with putting his head down and sleep. His presence is rather calming to me and I feel protected when he's around, maybe because he saved my life once. He is very interesting to me, thie things he do might seem questionable but I know he always have his reasons.  Then when we bumped into each other during school, he would just bumped my shoulder and walk away. 

 scene requests:  
1) When I meet my father again and he's is sorry about everything that he had done to me. 
2) Our first meeting.
3) Arguements about him be home late and in jured. 
4) Wanting me to call him oppa when he's not an oppa.

how are his grades: 
Hmm...his grade aren't so great but isn't as bad as the hopeless cause. Oppa always late for class and when he's in class he goes straight to sleep. We barely talking in school, more like he doesn't talk to me. Even time I try to talk to him he walks away with his friends. 

 what's his job?:  Floor Manager.

does he like it?: I think so because it seem as though he have one heck of a time yelling at us. Though he might be nice, once he want things done it better be done.

 how is he at home?: 
He is a good room-mate and keep everyone in check,  always tries to help us in kind of way that he can. Yet he always makes me worry about his well-being cause he till to sneak out at night and come back late with brusies and scars. He usually take long showers in the mornig like he's sleeping in there or something. He tend to walk to the grocery store down the street to get foods and junks foods. 

what did you think of him before coming here?:  I do notice him but my idea of him is complete different from reality. He came off as a guy who does about anyone but himself, which is totally wrong.

appreciating your family

Seo Hyunsoo | 51 | Ceo of SeoStarEnt. | My relationship with father isn't so great, I'm not the daddy's little girl. Sometimes it feels as though I'm just a burden his lated-ex-wife left behind. Sometimes appa expect to much of me that it became a burden for me. After umma's death me and him drifted away and no longer a 'happy family' like we used to be.

Kang Hana | 25 (when died) | none | Eventhough I was little, I knew umma was someone who means alot in my life. She was always there to wipe away my tears when I fall and there to make me smile when I feel lonely because daddy haven't yet come home form work to read me my bed-time story. She was my source of happiness and my source of living. 

Step mother : Han Iseul | 43 | housewife | Our realtionship is hard to pin-point, I mean we don't have a love-hate realationship nor a loving realationship. I respect her because she is an elder after all. She cares for as her own but I feel uncomfortable of let her 'replace' my mother's place. 

Seo Jiyeon | 4 | student | My baby sister is my source of life now. Jiyeon remind of my mother, her happy personality can always uplift my days no matter what. I am very protective of her and always watch after her. She loves it when I'm around and likes to sleep with me at night when I was still home. 

 do you miss them:  Yes, I miss them everyday of my life and hope that they are doing well without me. Though appa and me rarely talk I hope he not working himself to death and forgive me for running away. As for Miyoon-ahjumma I hope she understand that I don't hate her but I just need time to adapt to the whole 'new mom' idea. And for Jiyeon I hope she grew well and not act like her sister. 

do you regret leaving:  No, though I missed my family yesh but now that I'm free I feel less suffocated and less stress now.

Kim Hyunjae | 19 | We were childhoood friend, our mother were best-friend since high school. After my umma's death his mother tend to bring him over to play with me so I would feel less lonely. | Oppa is the inly person who understand me inside and outside. He never question my motives and always been a great supporter instead. Oppa is like a brother that I never had and was my first-love but I'm well over him after realizing that I see him more as a brother. 

do you go to school together:  Yes, it doesn't bother me that we go to the same school because he is there with me every step of the way no matter what.

 do they know about the ramen shop?:  Yes, oppa didn't approve at first since I'm surrounding by too many boys for his liking but soon approve because he could see how happy I am now.

would you move back:  Yes and no. Yes I would love to go back to my family one day but the people at the ramen shop is my family and I can't leave them behind. 

in your own eyes (answer in character!)

what do you think of the ramen shop?:  Our ramen shop is very cozy. To me its a palce where I have learned to open up nad walk out of my shell. The poeple here are like my family and though we have our ups and down we will always be a family. Its a place where we all create new memories and leave the past to past, to start a fresh. 

 what do you think of Eunchan?:  Unnie might seem like a bossy person but she have good intentions. She was nice enough to house us so why should I complain. Unnie ahve been throughalot I know, so I'm proud that she was able to keep herself up and her father's wish. Hwaiting unnie!!!! :)

What do you think of the kind gangster?:  No doubt Woosuk is scary, he is a gangster after all. But don't let his dangerous side drive you away from him because once you get to know him he's nothing but a Mr. Softy. I know for a fact he would do anything for us and would risk his life to safe the ramen shop. After saving my life that night I see him as a whole different person. 

 what do you think of the angry flowerboy?:  Hm....Himchan-oppa? Well lets just say I don't like the way he acts at time but that mean he's unbearable? I mean unnie have in check so we, as civilized rommamtes, don't have to worry much. Oppa had always hard time fitting in because of his rich background so I feel bad for him, I mean I'm rich to but I'm cocky at all. 

what do you think of handsome oppa?:  Me and Handsome oppa get along well because of our personality. We're probably the most level head of the house, he break up fights and I give the advices. He like a brother we never had and has always been there for every-step of the way. We times get tough I know I can depend on him to uplift my day.

 what do you think of the secretive smarty pants?:  Mr. Ice Prince? Well, i don't know. I say my relation with Yoongi-oppa is awkward, me and Smarty is even worst. Well everyone is like that when it comes to him, he refuses to interact much with us so it hard to know what he wants and thinking. 

what do you think of the hopeless cause? :  The 'bad boy'? Hmmm he's always finds it hard interacting with people so he tend to be distance. I feel unjustice for him when people in our school would spread flase rumors about him. To me he is a very nice guy who have a hard time opening up, don't we all though.

 what do you think of the sunny loser?:  Kyunsoo-oppa is the happy virus of our ramen shop, he can easily lift up your days easily. Yet when we're at campus everyone look down on him. People tend to use him alot because he always so nice to everyone and it makes me feel bad for him. I hope he knows if anything was to happen we'll always be there for him.

what do you think of the star athelete?:  Well Mr. Popular, he surrounded by to many peopel for my liking. His personality is a big no! He to cocky and bratty for my liking. Just because everyone adores him he think I should, silly him. 

final thoughts

did I forget anything?:  Ohs for the ambitious brother should I write something for him?

 questions, comments, concerns?:  Hope everythig is A-Ok! but please let me know if I need to fix anything. ANd I'm sorry for taking to long I've been busy. Dx

any scene suggestions or requests?:  not really....



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