↺ 5econd ↺ [Ha, Jung Min ]

↺ 5econd ↺


Miss Right. ↺

Username: --pastels

Activeness: 9.3 (i don't know, i'm random)


Who'z that Girl?


>Ha Jung Min


>Jungie (friends call her this),

>Minnie (family calls her this),

>Mini (boyfriend calls her this).




>March 21, 1995


>75% Korean,

>25% Chinese


>Korean: Fluent

>English: Fluent

>Chinese: Conversational


>Hong Kong, China.


>Shanghai, China


>172 cm



Blood type: 



Can't you see?

Ulzzang name:

>Kim Soo Yeon ; Mint

Ulzzang Links:


Back up name:

>Lee Eun Jin

Back up links:



>Double ear piercing: one in cartilage+one in the fleshy part (well, normal part)


Let me know you.


>At first she was a soft-spoken girl, but society changed her into a social butterfly, prone to talk to anyone in a 5 meter radius of her, no matter what age or nationality. Though most people find that annoying, the few people who like it stay around Jung Min as her closest friends.The only person who's heard her sing before is Im Jinah, and that's why Jung Min wanted to be an idol, because she wanted to showcase her talents to people who haven't seen it yet. Even though she's still an amateur at singing, Jinah believes that Jung Min can go far in the industry, because of her talent of bonding.


>Her parents are both full-on Korean, but they moved to China when her mom was pregnant with Jung Min because of their father's job. Her mother had always been the distant type, never smothering them with motherly love, but caring enough to make sure people still think that she's Jung Min's mother. When they moved back to Korea, Jung Min's mother had an affair with a co-worker, and only Jung Min knows of it to this day. Her mother swore her to secrecy, saying she'll kick Jung Min out if she tells. Since Jung Min was going to be a trainee anyways, she didn't really care all that much and thought that she would definitely reveal the news to her dad when the time was right. Chanyeol, her brother, was a happy kid who lived on ignorance. He thought that knowing nothing meant knowing everything, leaving you safe and not sorry. When he found out about the affair, he was just as outraged as Jung Min and demanded to see their dad; only stopping because Jung Min pulled him back.



>Going on long walks at night

>Staying up late calling her boyfriend

>Playing with her cat Puffs.

>Eating sunchips

>Eating red velvet cake.

>Making sugar cookies for her boyfriend.

>Receiving roses from her boyfriend



>Seeing Krystal

>Talking to Krystal

>When her boyfriend ignores her

>When her parents fight

>When her dad has to go on long trips

>Seeing a spider


>Twirling her hair when she's nervous

>Biting her nails as she's waiting for something

>Getting out of bed and landing on the floor on her stomach

>Right when she gets home she plays with Puffs.

>Poking her bottom lip when she's concentrating


>Playing tennis + basketball

>Playing the guitar + composing songs

>Going outside to the nearby Starbucks with friends

>Bringing her cat on a daily walk around the house (usually a failed attempt)


>Short tempered

>Very picky about food

>Lazy and procrastinates


>She won an award in her high school for being the best dressed

>Ever since she came to Korea, she only had one friend

>Had braces in 6th grade-8th grade

>When she gets home she immediately changes into sweats

>She's worn contacts since 10 years old

>Likes to sleep with a minnie mouse nightlight

>Has a huge book collection (100+)

>Doesn't trust people easily.

>Can fall asleep at any time+any place.

>Doesn't like family talks, but goes to them anyways

>Likes to watch people play games, instead of playing them herself.


We are family~


>Lee Min Jung | 51 | mom | nurse | strict+short, annoyed Jung Min so much she became a trainee. Jung Min's name came from Min Jung's.

>Park Chanyeol | 20 | brother | idol;rapper in exo | funny and sweet, Chanyeol was always the one to make Jung Min feel better after any sad events.

>Park Sung Joon | 53 | father | journalist | complete opposite of mother, weird how they got married.


>Im Jinah | 21 | best friend | lead vocalist, dancer, and main rapper in After School | these two crazy friends were always up to no good. Min Jung got the motivation to sing from her.


Hook up?

Twitter username:


>(Instagram username is: @jungilicious)

Love interest: 

>Kim Myungsoo





Love interest personality:

>Cold on the outside, but Jung Min got to know him and he's been really sweet+nice to her, and only her. He treasures her, but sometimes they get into petty quarrels and they're close to breaking up. But in the end, Myungsoo always brings them back together.

Are you dating yet?: 


How will you meet:

>Myungsoo was conducting a tour of Seoul+Jung Min was in the tour group. Afterwards, he asked for her number and they started meeting more.


>Dating (boyfriend/girlfriend)

How you treat/act around eachother:

>Jung Min is always texting Myungsoo, and the other way around. They don't sleep until late at night, conversing deep topics. Myungsoo loves her, but isn't ready to take the relationship further yet. Because Jung Min is busy, they can't see each other that much, but that doesn't stop them.

Back up Love interest: 

>Byun Baekyun



>Krystal Jung




>Snobby, fake. She always acts camera-ready, but is super y to the staff that take care of her. 

Why you hate eachother:

>Jung Min can't stand her ignorance. Also, Krystal tries to go after Myungsoo, which annoys Jung Min.


Lights, Please!




>Grown-up Minnie Mouse

Fanclub name:

>Mickey Mouses (hehe i thought it's really cute+creative.. so proud of this ~~ ahah, sorry)

Fanclub Color:

#990033 + #000000

Training years:

> 4 years

How was trainee life?:

>Tough, everyone bullied Jung Min, but she stood up to them (earned her a punch in the face) but the counselor saw and warned everyone not to hit a trainee's face. Once she made the right friends, however, no one minded her.

Wanted position:

>Visual, Lead Vocalist

Second wanted position:

>Main Vocalist, Lead dancer.

Singing Twin:  

>Lee Yejin (Ailee)

Rapping Twin:

>Lime (Hello Venus)

Dancing Twin:

>Goo Hara (KARA)

Talking twin:

>Park Jieun (SECRET)


Last but not least!

Password: click here

Comments, song suggestions?:

>Excited for this!! I hope you'll actually write this story >< 

>Song suggestions: After School (First Love), Secret (Poison), KARA( Step),



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