ATTENTION ALL VIXX FANS!!! Admin Applications

VIXX Fanbase Admin Application


1.      First and Last name


2.      Age


3.      Email Address


4.      Occupation?

A.     Student (school)

B.      No job

C.      Looking

D.     Working adult (part time or full)


5.      How often are you active on twitter?

A. Never

B. Daily

C. All the time


6.      Which fanbase are you applying for?

A.     LION (Leo)

B.      BEANIES (HongBin)

C.      RAVIans (Ravi)

D.     N-peror (N)

E.      KENycanes (Ken)

F.       Hyukiecharms (Hyuk)


7.      Why do you love this member of VIXX? (Be specific)


8.      How long have you been a VIXX fan? (Tell why)

A.     Before debut

B.      After debut


9.      Why do you want to be admin of this fanbase? (Be detailed)


10.  What do you want to be in charge of?

A.     Photos

B.      Videos

C.      News


11.   How motivated are you to help with this fanbase? (Tell why)

A.     1 (least)

B.      5. (halfway)

C.      10. (fully)


12.  How dedicated are you? (Be detailed)


13.  How will this experience help you?


14.  Why should you be hired?


15.   Anything else we need to know about you?


16.  Password (must be correct)





Make sure you have a twitter, gmail, or googl+ account before making applying!! Copy paste to your blog and notify me when completed


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