언니 ♥

To Unnie: My High School Graduate
It's finally over! Twelve years of school are finally over, my lady (plus pre-school and kindergarten). I wish I had woken up a little earlier to celebrate, but me and mornings just don't agree. And that's why I'm writing this: to express my content and congratulations for your high school graduation. I told you if I had been there, I would've yelled your name loudly. I totally would have. NOTHING CAN STOP ANGIE. nothing. Anyways, I'm so glad for you, and I'm proud of you, and I'm excited for you, and I'm feeling a lot of things right now. ♥ I know how stressed you got this year, and a lot of stuff happened that—even though the mofos paid for what they did mwahahaha—we both wish hadn't happened. And although high school wasn't the best four years of your life (because it hasn't been the best two years for me as of lately), I hope you made wonderful memories that you can look back at with a smile. And if you can't think of any, just think of me because I'm amazing. ;D

Here's to the end of your high school career. And here's to hoping that by the time I graduate, we're still close friends and move towards the future together. ♥



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