I did it!!!!

I have never felt so...... Happy and proud of myself! I ing passed my CNA exams!!! I'm so happy. I was so nervous when the written part started the cold was not helping the nerves. After that I waited and I got my written results and I passed but the skills part scared me more. My stomach was acting crazy! Like the butterflies in there were on steroids. Ugh.... I hate waiting I thought I failed since I missed a few steps. But......wow... I did it. I passed through one hurdle in my life in career now I have many unexpected more to go! Wish me luck in life guys!


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Congrats and :)
CONGRATULATIONS! *throws confetti in the air* *light fireworks*
I am happy for you!! *huggles*
springmiya #4
congratulation on passing your exam... ^_^
congrats!! that's amazing. :)