Rose Application!

photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpgParis

                                                               ( Lead dancer - 19 - Energetic Puppy)





nickname: Paris
username: Pariis
profile link:Ello!
activness: 8
name: Paris Cristal Park
nickname: Eiffel, because she is tall and named Paris.
age: 19
D.O.B: 12/04/1994
nationality: Korean-British
birthplace: Albany, New York
hometown: (where they lived for most of their life)
languages: English (fluent), American Sign Langauage (fluent), Korean (semi-fluent)
height: 178cm
weight: 53kg

ulzzang name: Angelababy
back-up ulzzang name: Byeon Seo Eun
picture links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
back-up picture links: 1 2 3 4 5 6
favourite hair colour: Brown


personality: She is sporty and clever. She look like an angel but actually a devil when you get to  know her. She is very talkative, she talk way too much, which is annoying sometimes. She like to play around, and crack jokes. Love making people laugh  becuase it make her feel accomplish and proud. She build up great relationship with people due to her friendliness. She is the type of person who is oblivious of her surrounding, body languages or eyes contacts, she doesn't understand those at all.  

Normally this girl is already loud and crazy, but with Chocolates she'll turn hyper and can go louder and crazier. A fun fact about Paris, "if you want a spirit lift after a long day, give her a Chocolate bar (Hershey recommended), and get ready for a good laugh of the day". Even though she is spontaneous, she can be very serious and mean if the sitaution require her to be. Whenever she's nit in the mood, try to keep a distant from her, because she will snap at anyone who try to talk to her at that moment.

As much fun as she is to be around with, she is also very straightforward. Sometimes she can be a little too blunt that she'll hurt someone's feeling in a second. At the same time she is sensitive, one harsh word could bring tear to her eyes. Some people consider Paris as a cool pretty girl, who is unapproachable, because she doesn't smile a lot without her friends around. But once you get to know her she is very playful and a fun person to talk to. 


- Chocolates

- Sports (baseball, football)

- Winter/Snow

- Puppies

- Food (Sushi)

- Fashion

- Boba



- Ants

- Cats

- Clowns

- Dolls

- Nuts

- Vanilla

- Sodas

- Sweating



- She procastinate a lot

- Get mad easily

- Act before she think

- Sometime take a comment to seriously

- Rude when she's mad


- Cats (she would literally jump on something or someone when she see a cat)

- The dark



- She has claustrophobia

- Can't sit criss cross

- Attended 1 private school prek-12

- Play for varsity volleyball, basketball, and softball in grade 9-12

- Do cross country and swim

- Was a cheerleader

- Can play the piano and guitar

- Only child

- Ideal type is Kikwang

- Like Megan Fox


photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpg
love interest: EXO's Kai
back-up love interest: EXO's Chanyeol
relationship: Secretly dating for 6 months
personality: He is a little dorky, playful and hate to be laugh at. He like to order people around like a boss. Also mock others and make them feel stupid. He is like a bipolar sometimes, he can be a teaser and laughing one minute, and them be mad a pissed off the  next. He also tend to be quite aggressive when he is annoy. He has a caring and loving side for a certain someone, but has it limit as when she ignore him.
how you act together: They treat each other in a playful manner, like playfully beating each othe rup or mocking one another, They have this cute chemistry, like when Paris don't know how to a word in Korean, she make all kind of weird signs to get people to understand what she is trying to say, and only Kai would understand and translate it to others. These might might look happy together, but they got their moment when they fight over stupid stuffs. They fight all of the time, and when the argument is big they would refuse to talk to each other for days.

stage name: Paris
persona: Energetic Puppy, because she is energetic, and she was born in 1994, the year of the dog according to Chinese zodiac.
position: Lead dancer
singing links: (Janice) 1 2 3
dancing links: (Yuri) 1 2 3
rapping links:(Hyuna) 1 2 

anything else you'd like to share: none
comments for moi: Hello? I saw that you need a co-author, do you still need one?
password: Here is 1, then 2, next is 3, after that is 4, and here you go 5!
suggestions for debut album: 



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