60 Questions People Don't Ask (stolen from GeekReader)


60 Questions People Don't Ask:
1: When was the last time you ran?
Gym - for a full 12 minutes yeeeah XD
2: Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes on them?
Nope, not my style.
3: What are you dreading right now? 
Exams... Ugh they start tomorrow.
4: Do you sing in shower?
Yes, sometimes Kpop songs like Haru Haru because it gets pretty emotional in there. LOL X3
5: Do you get 8 hours full sleep every night? 
Nooo, I have internet.
6: If anyone of your friends come to your house randomly one day, what would you say? 
Depends which friend. If super close then hell yeah I'd let em in and say, "So you realized you love me?"
If someone I don't like I would say, "No no. Get out. Leave. Or I will feed you to the horses."
7: Who last grabbed your ?
I am the only one who has grabbed my recently because I gotta see if those squats have been working. Hahaha
8: Have you ever been on your school's track team?
No, too insecure to run with strangers.
9: Do you own pair of converse?
10: Did you copy and paste this survey?
Yea, this is my first time doing something like this.
11: Do you eat raw of cookie dough?
12: Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
13: Don't you hate it when radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
It's been a while since I heard a GOOD son on the radio so I wouldn't know.
14: Do you watch top gear?
Nope, I think my dad does though.
15: How do you eat oreos? 
Gotta break it in half, off the cream and then eat the rest with milk. ^_^
16: Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? 
17: Are you cocky? 
In some ways, yes I guess. But I'm usually just kidding. Usually ;)
18: Could you live without a computer? 
No. Way.
19: Do you wear shoes in the house? 
 No, barefoot alwaays. 
20: Who or what sleeps with you?
Pillows, blanket and the occasional teddy bear.
21: At what age did you find out santa wasn't real?
 I don't think I ever believed in him. :P
22: How many phones or mobiles are in your house?  
4 home phones, 4 iphones for each fam member. So 8 
23: What do you do when you're sad?
Cry, listen to music, write about what makes me sad, eat and be all pouty.
24: Who would you call first when you won a lottery? 
 I... Don't even know. D: maybe i'd call some charity.
25: When was the last time you saw your best friend?
26: Are you in high school? 
Yeah, you could say that.
27: What jewelry are you wearing?  
Golden earrings that my aunt gave to me as a gift :3
28: Is anyone beside you right now?
Not that I know of. O.O
29: What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check my af account for notifications. :P
30: Do you watch grey's anatomy?
31: How do most people spell your name? 
The right way.
32: Would your wear a boy / girlfriend's clothes? 
If I had a bf, yes. Boy's clothes are so comf man.
33: Where do you work?
No where
34: What are you doing tomorrow?
An english exam at school
35: Is justin timberlake becoming the next michael jackson?  
 Nah, Michael Jackson is a legend whom can't be surpassed
36: Favorite name for a girl? 
37: Favorite name for a boy?
38: Will you keep your last name when you get married? 
 Nope, can't wait to be a Mrs. Someone
39: When was the last time you left your house? 
 This morning when I left for church
40: Do you return your cart? 
Sorry what.
41: Do you have a dishwasher? 
42: What noise do you hear? 
Sound of the dryer running.
43: Would you survive in prison? 
 No way. I'm a sensitive person, I can't take being in that kind of place with those kinds of people.
44: Who is the youngest in the family?
Me! ^_^
45: If all of your friends were going to a road trip, who would likely mostly pack? 
 Me! ;p
46: Do you know any same name as you? 
Nope, my name's not very common.
47: What's the last thing you purchased?  
I can't even remember what I wore yesterday, let alone what I bought.
48: Do your siblings ever pay for you? 
 Yes. She's nice.
49: What brand are your pants now? 
I don't pay attention to my clothes' brands.
50: Ever been to georgia (state)? 
51: What irritates you most on the internet? 
Ignorant people.
52: What brand is your digital camera? 
I don't have my own.
53: Do you watch movies with your parents? 
With my family so yes. 
54: What song best describes your life right now? 
Today My Life Begins by Bruno Mars 
Fences by Paramore
55: do you own expensive cologne / perfume? 
I own stuff from la senza but I wouldn't call it expensive.
56: are you suppose to be asleep now?
57: do you like sushi?
Nooo. I've tried it so many times but can't bring myself to like it.
58: do you cut your hair every month? 
No, I like getting my hair long.
59: are you online everyday? 
Yes :3
60: what kind of phone do you have?
Iphone 4 
Just for any of you who want to know more about me. ^_^


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The sarcasmmmm. omo.