a class trip love ♡ jo jiyeon ♡ pure love

raindrop-s  rainy  probably a se7en ( geddit? lol omg, sorry )
Student Identity
♡ Basic Profile
Full Name : jo jiyeon / jade jo.
Nickname(s) : jade — this isn't really a nickname, considering jade is her legal english name since she was born in america. everyone addresses her by this name, except her mother and relatives.
Birthdate : 16/june.
Age : 17 years old.
Class : 2B.
Birthplace/Hometown :  manhattan, ny / seoul, sk.
Ethnicity : american born korean. 
Faceclaim : park jiyeon / gallery. 
Back-up : zhang xinyuan / gallery. 
Style : jade isn't much of a rebel, so she likes to follow the dress code. her style outside of school, however, can sometimes be very sporadic. she likes to experiment with clothing, almost all the time. her style can go from a classic look to preppy. sometimes, her outfit will depend on her mood and the occasion.  
                                                                   The Looks ♡
♡ Personal Self
Personality Traits : good [ trustworthy, reserved, perfectionist, intelligent ] / bad [ emotional, oversensitive, moody, lazy 
Personality : moon jiyeon, better known as jade, is very intelligent; she has an excellent memory and a highly analytical mind. she has the ability to probe into a person's emotions and can often see into people and detect what their motives are. this makes her good at problem solving; this is what she does best. when she is confronted with a problem, she will pick up the pieces and put it together in the proper order. jade is a rational thinker and is good at settling other people's disputes and putting them on the right track for reconciliation; this makes her an excellent friend, as well. one of the greatest things about jade is her ability to make others feel good about themselves and loved. other people can lean and depend on her because she'll listen to people's problems and help them but she will rarely express her own deep feelings to anyone. people who want to share deep emotional thoughts and opinions with her might feel that the scales are tipped on one side for jade will rarely reveal her true emotions. nonetheless she always looks out for her friends with care and generosity. the few people she holds dear to her heart are guarded and protected. her friends are treated like family and she is fiercely loyal and dependable; however, she's not the total social butterfly, jade's usually shy around strangers. you see, she is very wary about trusting anyone, a person needs to gain her trust and this gets built up over time and once all the 'trust tests' have been passed.
it is difficult for jade to open up and have a close emotionally fulfilled relationship with someone because she is so closed off emotionally and physically to the world. this is driven by her fear of trust. in addition to lack of trust for people, jade is deeply sensitive and easily hurt, this is the other reason why she has her defense shell in place, to avoid being hurt by others. jade also has the tendency of visiting memory lane too often. she holds past events close to her and often dwell on the events that have happened before. she has to learn to let go and live in the present instead of spending her time being sick with nostalgia. one important aspect that jade treasures is harmony; it's very important to her because it keeps her happy. conflict of any kind causes great distress. deep inside, jade has a very powerful personality, she has the ability to stand up for what she thinks is right and has lots of perseverance and can be fine on her own, provided she doesn't let her emotions get the better of her and have the stability she needs. additonally, jade isn't really fond of changes, but she is definitely able to do what needs to be done.
be that as it may, jade is quite mysterious and is filled with contradictions. her best friend even nicknamed her as the walking, talking paradox. for example, jade wants security and comfort yet seek new adventure. she's very helpful to others but can sometimes be cranky and indifferent. she has a driving, forceful personality that can be easily hidden beneath a calm, and cool exterior. she is very unpredictable. with jade, there is always something more that meets the eye. she is complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement, more than any of her other friends. furthermore, jade is very possessive, not just with material possessions but with people as well. jade will always want to stay in touch with old friends and anyone who has ever been close to her because it's easier to maintain a friendship than attempt to learn to trust a new person. it's a lot easier this way for her, emotionally. as i've mentioned before, jade has an excellent memory and is very observant and can read people very well. she can usually tell of other people's intentions are good or not. so, as a warning, never try to deceive her, she can see your motives.
another thing you must understand about this young lady is that she's a total perfectionist. sometimes all her energy is taken from organizing her mind that she has a difficult time organizing her surroundings. she looks too deep into an issue and over analyzes what she percepts. jade is ambitious and strives to always know more and have more. this is in her eternal quest to bring order to chaos. even if order is gained from an outsiders' point of view, jade will not be settled because she has a very active mind that is always thinking and can never be silenced. she wants to be of use, she needs to be important and essential to everyone in her life and in everything she does. i suppose one of jade's major life lesson is to learn to trust in and have faith in the unknown. she has to understand that things in life happen for a reason that is not always known to her, she does not have to always know everything. she just needs to learn to calm down and not over analyze a situation or event. jade usually presents a calm and collected exterior but on the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity in the mind, trying to figure things out, how to improve everything, analyzing and thinking. she can tire herself out without even moving! she has a constant drive to improve and perfect things, this can lead to extreme pickiness. but, jade is pure and innocent; her motives are always honest and never malicious when she wants to accomplish something.
Background : jade moon was born on the 16th of june in manhattan, new york. she lost her father, who worked in the police department, at a really young age. she doesn't remember much about him, all of her memories are stories told by her mother. she always thought that her "family" was messed up, at least the paternal side. while her father was fighting against law-breakers, the majority of his family was part of some sort of mafia. she doesn't have any connection with them and it’s great that way because she doesn't want to be linked to any of their shady business. actually, jade really hates violence and law-breakers. maybe it's because her father was a victim of those sick people. she doesn't have any siblings which can explain her need to take care of her mother, since she is the only immediate family member that jade really has. her mother works in a hospital and jade always thought of her as a role model because she has so much love to offer and she's just so optimistic. jade isn't particularly keen on dangerous activities but her curiosity can sometimes lead her to trouble.
a couple of years after jade's father died, her mother decided it was time for them to move. too many negative memories needed to be left and forgotten in america. although they still visit once in a while, since jade's father was buried there and some of her relatives resides in manhattan. joohee, jade's mother, chose to move to korea and jade was just seven years old at that time. as she grew up, she was taught to speak korean and learn about the korean culture. she liked learning, so she began to adapt to her new environment and she had no trouble doing so. how? simply because jade is versatile and she can adapt and go with the flow like the best of them. once she began middle school, she made new friends. although, it was totally different at her house; it was desolate and dull. her mother was busy almost everyday and because of that jade learned how to be independent at an early age.
Hobbies : swimming, baking sweets, sightseeing. 
Habbits : stomps her foot when she's annoyed, bites the insides of her cheeks when she's bored, snaps her fingers when she's trying to remember something important, covers when she laughs out loud, turns red when she's infuriated.
Likes : 
/ hot chocolate » she loves drinking hot chocolate. especially on a cold winter night, she'll feel immensely warm and cozy.
\ teddy bears » as childish as that sounds, she does adore them, specifically stuffed panda bears. she just likes to hold onto something fluffy as she falls into a deep slumber. 
/ fairy tales » jade believes that everyone needs to have an active imagination and fairy tales can provide that for people.
\ quiet places » she often likes to be alone, she isn't a very big fan of crowded places. she likes to be in a calm environment where she can think and concentrate on things that she has ahead of her like upcoming projects. 
» jade has always loved looking up at the stars; she's fascinated by them and often likes to spot constellations. 
Dislikes  : 
\ insects » some people might be fond with bugs and such, but any type of creepy crawlers disgusts jo jiyeon. 
/ loneliness » don't get her wrong, jade loves her personal space just as much as the next person. but being lonely is a completely different thing. she's the type of girl who likes to be involved in discussions / conversations. feeling left out is a terrible experience. 
\ liars » jade has a big heart, but her trust is not easily gained due to the people in her past that were supposedly her friends.
/ traffic » being stuck in a car for an hour or more is definitely a no for jo jiyeon. she just becomes very impatient and cranky. 
\ roller coasters 
» this girl has major acrophobia; heights, especially cliffs and roller coasters are just things she cannot tolerate without her stomach churning. 
Trivia :
— jade is usually quiet and reserved, but on the internet, she can be quite outgoing. her most used apps on her phone are probably tumblr, twitter, snapchat and instagram.
— instagram: jadejo/ jade often visits her instagram to post pictures of food, the places she has visited and her selfies. she also uses instagram to stalk her favorite celebrities such as kellan lutz, logan lerman, vanness wu, etc.
​— twitter: @jiyeons / this young lady absolutely loves to tweet about the things that are going on in her life. sometimes, she even throws a couple of quotes that are relateable to her here and there.

— tumblr: jadejo.tumblr.com / "till death do us part, tumblr." hm, that's definitely something jade would say. she is constantly reblogging posts on her tumblog and she spends a lot of time on there. as a result, she's made quite a handful of internet friends through this website. she constantly scrolls down her dashboard in attempt to find or read something entertaining.
— she's not the type of person to approach an individual and start a conversation, she's quite the awkward one. 
— again, jade is extremely scared of heights. she absolutely cannot stand roller coasters, the only ride she can tolerate is the ferris wheel but even when she's on, she still feels a bit scared.
— sad to say that jade gets motion sickness very, very easily. she usually has motion sickness patches with her to help the dizziness.

— this little woman owns a bunch of polaroids because she 
absolutely loves photography, sightseeing in the city and stargazing. she likes to capture photos and look at them with a sense of nostalgia. 
jade doesn't really curse, but if she's angry, she will most likely use english swear words while she's insulting you in korean. 
Piece of Heart
Name : ahn jaehyun / actor and model
Birthdate & Age : 27/january | 18 years old
Personality : kind and conscientious - yup, that's jaehyun. he can be depended on to follow through. jaehyun usually puts the needs of others above his own needs. jade views him as a stable and practical individual; jaehyun values security and traditions. he also has a well-developed sense of space and function. ahn jaehyun has a rich inner world of observations about people and is extremely perceptive of other's feelings. he has a special skill at bringing out the best in others. people like to be around him because jaehyun has a special gift of invariably making people feel good about themselves. he lives in the here-and-now, and relish excitement and drama in his life. since he makes decisions using his personal values, jaehyun is usually very sympathetic and concerned for other people's well-being. he's usually quite generous and warm. he is also very observant about other people, and seem to sense what is wrong with someone before others might. he's not the best advice-giver in the world because he dislikes theory and future-planning, but he is great for giving practical care. hhe has a special gift of invariably making people feel good about themselves. ahn jaehyun takes his responsibilities seriously, and is very dependable. he values security and stability, and has a strong focus on the details of life.
How You Met : 
Before / jade cannot function at full processing speed without a nice, hot beverage to start off the day. when her favorite desolated coffee shop closed down, she was quite devastated. i mean, it's not really a grave issue; she could live. she could brew a normal cup of coffee, quietly sit down for a few minutes and look over her reports for the hundredth time, and there would be no real problem. the real problem was finding the time to do so. as a result, jade is forced to to go to the coffee shop near her high school, which is notorious for being too crowded. when she first arrived, the small cafe was jam - packed with people taking pictures of their orders and middle aged women wearing yoga pants. she swiftly disregards it and approaches the counter and that's where she met yuto for the first time. for yuto, jade was a sight for sore eyes. he stared at her as if he was trying to memorize her every feature. but, he was aware of the fact that it was a pointless gesture, considering that will probably be the only time he'll ever see her. he breaks his gaze as soon as she looks away from the menu board. jade thought he was very adorable, the way he smiled with his eyes and something about his voice just soothed her; guessing you can say he was very softspoken. unfortunately, yuto's assumption was correct, they never saw each other again after that. two years later, fate brought them back together through their school's class trip.

After / these two met again, thanks to fate or coincidence, in the bus, which was headed to their destination. jade sat in the back; as soon as she comfortably positioned herself, she looked out the window, getting lost in her train of thoughts. a figure appeared next to her, but she didn't really mind the guy since she was looking at a different direction. what caused her to pay attention to him was his scent; he smelled like chocolates and vanilla. jade glanced at him, and he stared at her with a warm smile plastered on his face. "coffee?" he asked, moving the coffee cup closer to her. she kindly declined his offer and slightly tipped her head to the side, examining his face. "is it him? it has to be him. does he remember me?" jade thought. yuto caught her looking at him and said, "i'm glad i was able to see you, again." as i've mentioned before, jade is an awkward girl and she didn't know what to say, so she just genuinely smiled and averted her gaze at her favorite book. however, she couldn't deny the fact that this trip has gotten ten times better simply because of him
Interaction : usually, jade keeps her distance, for she's worried about exposing her emotional vulnerabilities and getting hurt. she requires patience and yuto works hard to impress her. once she is in love, it's the long term. jade has always wanted to fall in love with someone that keeps her on her toes. yuto has tremendous respect for jade. he treats her equally. this man takes a lot of patience and understanding. but jade doesn't really have any problem with that since both of them are quite patient and likes to take things slow when it comes to relationships. yuto isn't really the type of guy to sweep a girl off her feet, but he stays closely to jade and is very trustworthy. his sweet side comes out with time.  
Others : 
Pure Love: jade loves coffee. her day is never complete without her favorite bittersweet drink, caramel macchiato. one day, she ordered her favorite drink in a nearby coffee shop and decided to stay there to find some peace of mind. once her order was ready, she sauntered out of the building and found out that there was a love note at the back of her coffee cup and it read, "i don't know if i'll ever see you again, but i just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely beautiful." like any other girl, jade was touched by the kind gesture; however, she didn't have the courage to actually go back to that coffee shop and ask who had written on her cup. although the man's face and name [ the name yuto was stitched on his uniform ] often kept jade up late at night. questions that began with "what if?" usually flooded her mind. she decided to visit once more; sadly, he was no longer working there.
Back-up : kim taehyung [ v ] / bangtan boys
♡ School Life
Good at Literature
Bad at Pre - Calculus 
Close friend Cheated Love
Not so close friend Boomerang Love
Roomate(s) Hater Love and Cheated Love
Persona The Unfathomable Goddess
layout coded by voltagebaby. Do not steal and claim without permission!
Scene Requests: anything fluffy will do, really. lol. 
Suggestion/Comments: i wasn't sure if we could use japanese actors / celebrities as our love interest. if it's a no, i'll be more than happy to change it. thank you so much for reading my application, if there's anything wrong, feel free to inform me. have a wonderful day! x


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