what to do..


will dreams ever obey  
       our heart's wishes? or will they strive for independence...

Hey there... Bad mood today :( Well, you know I'm in a relationship right? Well he's kind of been a jerk lately... Like, he's acting distant, and he says I'm annoying.. And honestly, it hurts. Really, because I was convinced that he really likes me; but now this happened. So i know i should trust him, but he's known for being coldhearted. So will he just throw me away when he's done like the other two girlfriends he had? He says I'm different; that he wants our parents to meet+everything. Honestly, he's the sweetest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. This is legitly the first time I've seen this side of him. So help me.. what should i do?! 



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I think you guys should sit down and talk about it. Tell him how you feel, and if he doesn't like it, leave him.