Hanyang Academy Application

`)Hanyang Academy!

Username: tamikq1234

Profile Link: >click<


Name:   Skylar (Haneul) Kang

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Boston, Masschusettes

Where You Are Living Now: Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type: B

Birth Date: aug. 09, 1995

Age (15-24)17

Gender: female

Height: 164cm | 5'3ft

Weight: 50kg | 100lbs

Ulzzang/Idol: Lee Eun Ji 

Back up Ulzzang/Idol: Hong Young Gi

Photo of Ulzzang/Idol: Jjang1 | Jjang2

Background : 

I was born and raised in the states up until recently we me and my ,umma moved back to Korea. I grew up as the only child and my  parent were divorced when I was 9 and I lived with my umma ever since. Appa don't contact as much as I want him too but I would be lying if I say he does check up on me once in awhile. Growing up my umma taught many things about life, "never take anyone for granted" she says. 

We moved to Korea about a year ago? Though I might have been here for about a year, its still takes time to get use to. My Korean isn't  great and I tend to get pick by the other students. Though I might be a strong girl, I'm usually out-numbered. No everyone is mean, I met a handful of people who were willing to be my friends. 

Family :

Mother | Kim Hana | 39 | Nurse | Umma is a great mother. She have a playful side but yet still able to maintain her hardworking-self. She is very smart, she knows her way in and out of any giving situation. She is very supportive and have been my back bone in hard times. Umma always seem to know the right thing to say at the right time.

Father | Kang Seunghoon | 43 | Chef | Appa isn't a guy you would want to mess with. He takes no BS from anyone and do as he please. Tend to get over-protective but usually is very carefree.

Cousin | Kim Namjoon | 20 | Idol | Oppa is very protective and mature for his age. He watch after everyone well and is caring towards everyone. He always acts as the cool guy and never one to be nerdy though he is very smart. 




I'm not what you would consider your "typical girl" and is what you would rather consider to be a tomboy. I have a very short temper but have a soft heart, so I don't tend to stay mad for long. It seem as though I'm a very violent person because I have a habit of hitting when I get annoyed. My friends knows if I don't like someone that something is deffineately wrong with that person. I talk loud and rowdy like the guys, I don't mind doing the dirty work getting dirty and sweaty and I deffinately don't like drama or being part of any dramas the girls at school usually starts. I'm honest and blunt, I'll to tell you as it is and take no kind of BS from anyone.

Though most of my friends tend be boys I know my limits with them, firiendzone. Just because I'm surrounding by boys doesn't mean I would sleep with each and everyone of them, I know how to respect myself. I'm a very stubborn person and stand up for what I believe to be right. I like helping people and don't mind if you come to me ranting about you're oh so horrible life. People who comes to me with their problems knows for a fact my mouth is tight, I don't go around spilling their secret life to anyone or anything. 

Habits : 

- pouts when I disagrees with something.

- hitting things or people if I get annoyed or mad. 

- sleeping in class.

Fears :

- needles.

- darkness.

- bees.

Likes :

- amusement parks.

- music (any genre).

- stuffed animals.

- coffee (starbucks)

- sleeping.

- shopping.

Dislikes :

- bugs.

- being alone.

- being judged.

- drama.

- queenkas.

Languages : 

English: Fluent

Korean: Semi-fluent


Extra Classes - Dance, Music, Physics AP, Softball?, Mandarin 

Friends :

Park Hyemi | 18 | My childhood friend who moved to Korea with us with her parents consent for her to study aboard. Unnie is a very risky person doing thing without care and worries. She is allways the loud one of the group which she is arguing or talking. Unnie never hold back on anything and will bash you physically and verbally if she have to.

Love Interest :

Min Yoongi (Suga) | 21 | Oppa is very nice and funny. He very playful and likes to tease the younger ones but he himself tend to be bullied by them. He isn't one to get mad often and tend t obe calm. | Yes, through Namjoon.


Rival to Love interest : ( Miso |  17 ) 

And Why : Both BangtanBoys and GLAM are from the smae company so it wouldn't be much of a surprise that they are close. Miso had develop a crush on Suga and ever since I came into the picture she been putting up a fight to see who can get his heart. 


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