❝ 장미 ❞ Rose - Application - Elena Kim

photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpgElena Kim
                                                               ( Leader/ Main (Or sub) Vocal - 22 - The Warrior )







nickname: Eb
profile link: Heree~
activness: 9/10
name: Elena Kim
nickname:Lena | El | Ellie
age: 22
D.O.B: 22/03/1991
bloodtype: A+
nationality: Half Russian, Half Korean
birthplace: Mokpo, South Korea
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
languages: Native Korean, Fluent Russian
height: 172cm
weight: 53kg

ulzzang name: Jung Min Hee
back-up ulzzang name: Hwang Ji Min
picture links: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
back-up picture links: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
favourite hair colour: Light Brown

personality: Elena is an independant, responsible person. Ever since she was young she always acted way older than she was. She has natural leadership qualities about her. When she used to be in school and did group activities she would automatically start bossing people around and take charge. She can be quite strict to her members but thats only because she wants them to do well and get the absolute best out of them.
On stage she puts on a fierce and cold personality which makes her stand out and look strong. But off stage there is a different side, she is constantly watching over her members like their her kids, making sure they are well rested, and healthy. She normally is a tired person because of looking after the members, and she always keeps her worries to herself. She is not a cute person and very very very rarely does aegyo, but when she does its normally awkward and makes everyone silent. However When her members use it, she crumbles and does what they want, so she is kind of pushover.
She is over protective of her members, especially the Maknae, and if theres a scandal which includes a member, or an argument with another idol, she will be the first one to jump in and defend them. But sometimes she can be too over protective and make the members feel 'smothered'. She can also get carried away while defending her friends, as she has a potty mouth and can become quite aggressive. 
When she is angry, she tends to keep to herself, but it can show through how she treats the members, she tends to be picky with them, and make them work hard. But on the otherhand, when she's happy, she loves to go out and treat the members, and buy them food. She can also be considerate, and if they have a hard time, she normally pleads to the managers for them to have a break and have some fun.

likes: Bold makeup (Red lipstick, Lots of eyeliner) | The smell of rain on pavements and roads | Weird clothing | Sunglasses | Sweets | My Little Pony&Pokemon (Her guilty pleasure) | Chocolate Cakes | Cola | High Heels

dislikes: Being too harsh on the members | Cats | People overusing aegyo | Being away from her friends or family for too long | Wearing odd socks | The wind | Classical music

flaws: She can't dance that well, and it takes her ages to learn new things | She can come across really stubborn to people | She bottles her emotions up | Can be too protective, which can annoy her friends and members.

fears: Newspapers - She hates the smell and the feel of them, she has to leave the room if someone reads one. | Letting down her members or friends | Being rejected by her love interest

trivia: She is fluent in speaking Russian, but she can't read it. | She loves MBLAQ | Her Twitter is @El_Lena | She can do card tricks | Has the biggest makeup collection ever | She has a pair of heels which she refers to as her babies. | Knows how to play the flute. | She has her driving lisence and has a car


photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpg
love interest: U-Know Yunho, Ya Know? OTL -That was lameee
back-up love interest: Wu Yifan
relationship: Good friends, became close because Yunho knows what its like to be a leader, so he helped Elena and gave her lots of advice. Plus, Elena is a total fangirl. She always gets really excited and gets butterflies, but tries to hide by trying to act y and cofident.. but fails.
personality: At first glance people assume that Yunho is a cold, harsh and strict guy. With his cold stare and tall towering height, people are normally vary wary of him. But actually he is one of the most considerate and kindest guys alive. He always takes care of his friends, donsaengs and Changmin , and always put people before him. He has very good looks, and is very talented in Dancing. He's very charismatic and can even make falling flat on your face look graceful and y. He is also considered one of the best leaders in Kpop, well to Elena he is anyway.
how you act together: Yunho has always been Elena's rock. She can go to him when everything gets to much for her, as he has experienced what she feels before, the hardship of having to lead a group. They are always seen chatting together, and spend alot of time together. They like to go out for coffee's while discussing their own Groups drama. Elena always tries to act really y and mature, but normally ends up a stuttering mess when she first meets Yunho, which makes him and other people laugh. This always ends up with Yunho teasing Elena about being a fangirl.

stage name: Athena - The warrior goddess
persona: The Warrior - She is always the first one to jump in and defend/fight/protect her members.
position: Leader +Main (or sub) Vocal
singing links: 1 2 - Sistar's Hyorin
dancing links: 1 2 - 2NE1's Dara (Second link starts at 1.47)
rapping links: ----

anything else you'd like to share:
comments for moi: I Hopee ive done everything okay. I can never do girl apps properly XD 
password: Kyungsoo you utter cutie <3 This isnt a gif, but LOL, Creeper D.O
suggestions for debut album: Urrrmm - I Feel Good - EXID, I Am The Best - 2NE1, Abracadabra -Brown Eyed Girls.



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