❝ 장미 ❞ Rose - Application

photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpgCarlyKim

                                                               ( Leader + vocalist - 22 - Fragile Walking Doll )






nickname: Michiko
username: Lovingyoudeeply
profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/24065
activeness: 8.5
name: Carly Kim Jae Mi
nickname: Carl | Jaem
age: 22
D.O.B: 22/8/1991
bloodtype: AB
nationality: Half American, Half Korean
birthplace: San Francisco, California
hometown: California
languages: Fluent English, Fluent Korean, Conversational Mandarin
height: 163cm
weight: 50kg

ulzzang name: Pony
back-up ulzzang name: Hong Younggi
picture links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
back-up picture links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
favourite hair colour: Ash Brown

personality: Carly is someone who's really approachable and bubbly despite her cold and shy appearance. She doesn't talk much around strangers because she had troubles with being sociable. Her cold attitude comes in she thinks someone she just knew can't be trusted, Carly likes taking the initiative to start a conversation but she dislikes it when someone doesn't make the effort to talk to her. She opens up her heart to others slowly because if she gets too attached to someone, she expects that person to always be with her, for she hates "sharing" that special someone with everyone else. Despite her cold and shy appearance, she's pretty approachable and friendly when you get to know her more. She's also rather loyal to her friends, whenever her friends needed help, Carly will always be there to help. She has a pretty short attention span that whenever there's something that distracts her, she has a hard time stopping herself from being distracted. She does aegyo pretty easily and usually most of the times, unknowingly. She appears strong but actually, she cries easily, and often, in silence. She always thinks she'll be bothering someone with her troubles thus, she bottles whatever that's troubling her in, and she never voice out her discontentment. Her schoolmates used to make fun of her and pull pranks on her. Her kindness sometimes makes another person think she's manipulative enough that they can easily use her and then throw her away after she's done helping them. This often leads to Carly not able to find true friends in school, and in turn, causing her to have troubles with being sociable with strangers.

likes: pink | frozen yogurt | dark chocolates | winnie the pooh | her electronic gadgets | drinking bubble tea
dislikes: insects | people touching her CD albums collection | caramel | horror movies
flaws: too straightforward with words | gets distracted easily | a visible scar on her forehead
fears: height | feeling worthless | the morgue
trivia: she plays the guitar, piano and drums | she's both a left-hander and a right-hander | she only liked baking | she loses things easily | she likes ballads | she arranges her make-up products, her nail polishes in her drawers according to color

photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpg
love interest: vixx's Leo
back-up love interest: infinite's sungyeol
relationship: bestfriends
personality: Leo is someone who's chic and shy. He's someone who doesn't open up to others easily. He's someone who seems to never talk a lot too, but he's always secretly taking care of his group members and friends. He's slowly opening up as time passes by, but since Carly and Leo are bestfriends, Leo finds it easier to open up to Carly more.
how you act together: Whenever they saw each other backstage, before a recording of shows, they would tend to talk a lot and that they were inseparable. This is turn causing the other vixx members to be a little envious of Carly because she seem like the only one who could make Leo talk more than he talk to them. They would occasionally do little skinships like hugging each other.

stage name: Carly
persona: Fragile Walking Doll | she's as pretty as a doll and because she breaks down easily, thus the name.
position: leader + vocalist
singing links: 1 | 2 | 3
dancing links: 1 | 2
rapping links: -

anything else you'd like to share:
comments for moi: good luck, author-nim, or Summer, xD I hope this application is okay ;u; please accept my application, just let me know if there's any part of the application that has gone wrong.
password: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
suggestions for debut album: hello venus's 'Would You Stay For Tea?' | A Pink's "I Don't Know" | Dal Shabet's 'Pink Rocket'



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hello o/
I like your app but unfortunately I forgot a few things ;;
There's a new source code and it's literally just one or two extra things; could you fill them in? thanks ; u ;