❝ 장미 ❞ Rose - Application | “Linha”

photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpgLinha

                                                               ( lead rapper - 20 - The Shadow's goddess )






nickname: Jenn
username: SwornK
profile link: here
activness: 9/10 - Holidaaaays~!
name: Julinha Jeon | Jeon JooRin
nickname: JJ(pronounciation: Jiji), Lin, Hecate (Greek shadow's goddess)
age: 20
D.O.B: 28/11/92
bloodtype: AB+
nationality: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Australian
birthplace: Perth, Australia
hometown: Perth, Australia
languages: English (native), Korean (fluent), Chinese (conversionnal)
height: 170cm
weight: 56kg

ulzzang name: Lee Dasom
back-up ulzzang name: Angela Baby
picture links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | more | more
back-up picture links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | more | more
favourite hair colour: light brown

personality: The character of an AB is double faceted. On one hand, she is as "an office that works well" because, on the professional level, she is very efficient (despite an apparent phlegm). But she is also "a teahouse overlooking the avenue". Well, a priori open, welcoming and smiling but this is only a facade. She is delicate and susceptive and she builds a false image to protect herself. Also she is rather good at hiding her feelings. With this blood group, her character goes from one extreme to another. Outside, she likes change, friends, parties (and it is she who leads the party), she is an energic and funny girl. She is a pranker and she is always there to make the people laugh. She is this kind of girl who can light up a rainy day just with her smile or her laugh. But inside, she reveals herself more serious. Pacific artist with a taste for justice (and the need to speak), she easily adapts herself to situations. Indeed her character varies depending on others and on her entourage and not on herself (she is not "lunatic", she adapts her personality according to the person she is with).
Coffee [Cappuccino & Iced Americano]
Cold &/or wet weather [Snow & Rain]
amusement parks
paranormal things [ghosts & haunted houses]
Dark colors
plushes [not animal plushes but gore/weird plushes like gloomy bear or monsters]
Hot weather
green color
answering the phone
spicy food
people who can't take a joke
being teased (by her love interest)
Dynamic and successful, she stumbles when it comes to make a decision
Only works well in a peaceful atmosphere, she doesn't support the tensions and aggressiveness. If the atmosphere is tense, then she gets angry.
She hates that we doubts about her abilities or that we calls into question the capacities of the group. Because of that, It's very difficult for her to accept authority and other's opinion.
She will never show her weakness in front of her members or her fans or her friends, 'cause she thinks they're not there to support her sadness but to pursue their own lives. She seems really strong, but it's just an image. She isn't really.
She is kinda violent in everything she does, even if she doesn't want to. Also, she always hits the members (playfully) like when she laughs.
She is competitive, but she is a really bad looser. She can sulk for few minutes if she looses at a game, or she can cheat to make sure she'll win.
Aging : She has the Peter Pan syndrom. She is afraid of aging because she is afraid of BIG responsabilities (like getting married, having kids, having a job et caetera...)
Narrow spaces: She is claustrophobic (When she was young (about 4yo), she played to hide and seek with her cousin. She hid in a closet, but it got stuck, so she couldn't breath properly, and she fainted.)
her favorite plush
her favorite color is peppermint blue
She loves Stitch
She said in an interview that her favorite Disney Princess is Cinderella because "her dress is blue *laughs awkwardly*"
Her ideal man is a boy with full lips and with a cute and bright smile. She also loves outgoing and funny boys who love skinship a lot
She would like to do thrill sports (Bungee jumping, skydiving...)
She has a pomeranian puppy named Boo (referencing to Monsters Academy)
She prefers jeans over dresses and heels shoes over sneakers. She has a very casual style (1 | 2 | 3)
Her favorite k-movie is A Werewolf Boy. Everytime she watchs it, she can't help but cry like a fool and laugh like a dumb.
her favorite fruit is the black cherry
Her favorite flower is the lilac
her favorite Smell is the Smell of fraish cut grass
photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpg
love interest: Kim "Chen" JongDae [EXO-M]
back-up love interest: Henry Lau [SUJU-M]
relationship: The big cat(Chen) and the speed little mouse(Linha) | More than friends but not lovers.
personality: He is a simple boy. He is playful and he loves to make laugh his friends. Also, he is always there to cheer them up or to give advise like an umma used to do. He tends to make the others pass before himself, thinking that his problems are nothing beside the welfare of s and his friends. He is really good at hiding his feelings, like Linha, but when he is with her or with his very close friend, he shows them. He loves skinship a lot: he couldn't live without having physical contact with people around him. He is funny but susceptive: every single time Linha jokes about her love for him (Like "Yah, I love you... Nah, just kidding! *laughs cutely*" or "I have someone in mind since few days. Y'know, there is a boy that i'm pretty close to. He is my labelmate and... You kinda look like him. He has the same smile, and the same look. ...But he is more handsome") he sulks like a 5-yo. 
how you act together: With her crush, it's kinda like a Tom & Jerry relationship. Linha is Jerry, and her love interest is Tom. He "runs" behind her to get her, hugging her and having a lot of skinship with her, but because of her playful personnality, Linha always rejects him (for "fun"). In fact, she is trully in love with him, and she shows it to him when they are alone together, by playing with his hair or by brushing his fingers or his skin or asking him to do the pepero game with her (sweet actions but playful and "You'll never catch me, buddy" attitude)

stage name: Linha
persona: Shadow's Goddess [She has an enigmatic and dark concept | She releases a powerful aura on stage]
position: lead rapper, main dancer
singing links: 1 | 2 | 3(english)  |Secret's HyoSung]
dancing links: 1 | 2  [WAVEYA's Ari]
rapping links: 1 | 2 | 3(english) | practice time  [Julie Kim]

anything else you'd like to share: I'd like you to share your love for D.O with me. XD No, seriously, i'd like you to share with all of us a beautiful story~!
comments for moi: Even if Linha isn't chosen, i'll read this fic! °-°
password: Awwwww, maour baby DO °-°
suggestions for debut album: Hello Venus - Venus | Hello Venus - Hello | Girl's Day - Oh! My god | After School - Someone is you | Orange Caramel - Lipstick | Rainbow - Tell me Tell me



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