

;안녕~ hello, first of all i just want to tell you guys that i've moved my account. i created a new account here, so add me there »intimidate» search for it and add me, i'll accept the friend request.
;그래서 (so) new account means new fanfic, right? so here; link
;the fiction
main;Myungsoo x Jihye「oc」
side;Woohyun, Hoya, Hyunmi「oc」
once upon a time:
She met him through her best friend.
He meet her through his best friend.
Never did the thought of them falling for each other occurred to them, but well, they still fell.
They were given a chance, but he misused it.
Second chance was given, but she misused it.
The third chance was given but, they both gave up for they know that there will never be a 'they', for it will always be an Unspoken Love.
Yeah, that's that. See you soon.


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