Well I just woke up when my mama crack out the bad news to me… she says that our so called priest grandpa (not biologically related) just passed away… I couldn’t believe it… I was crying too much a while ago and my eyes are puffy and swollen right now. Even my nose is turning bright red and I think I will have a cold soon… uhm you might just say that I’m being utterly stupid for crying out to much for somebody whom I’m not quite related… but actually he is one heck of a special person to me…



My family is indeed related to priests since they were the one who supports my mom and took care of her amidst the war and troubles that occurred years ago… two of them outstands the most and since they say that I am a carbon copy of my mom, it literally states that I’m the favorite among my siblings and being treated as special for I am an only girl… though my mom is already mature enough, they still didn’t stop helping us… it was them who supports us financially sometimes and gives me moral support


All of you guys knew what my family background is right??? Well sometimes I would just run away from home and visit them… too bad that both of the already passed away… the one who was a foreigner, father terns died when I was still a freshman in high school… he was so sick and he died after an operation… I just cannot take it to the fact that he died 2 days after he promised me that hell return for his birthday… I can still clearly remember that phone call…



“H-happy birthday, grandpa! When will you come back?”

“I will be back soon, perhaps for my birthday”

“I will wait for you!”

“Okay sees you soon”



He did return but he’s already in a coffin, DEAD! I was so sad and depressed for I regret the days that we were able to visit him yet we didn’t…



For the other one which is Father Factora, he was the closer one… he was like my living diary… he knows all about my problems, love issues, success and downfall… whenever I have time I would just go to him, kill time and complain about stuffs… at least when I’m with him I feel loved and appreciated… he was more than a family T.T too bad he was… he was… now with god…

He would always say this to me:

“Whenever you have a fight with your friends, let it slip and reunite again”

“Just come here when you’re mom is being mean to you”

“Go on keep on writing…and do what you like best”

“Don’t worry, you are always special”


He treats me like his own granddaughter,

Gives advices when I need them

Comforts me when I’m down

Encourages me to continue doing what I want

Supports all my decisions

Makes me laugh every time

Lets me cry and bear with my childish behavior

Congratulates me and appreciates every little thing that I do


He promised me that he will even attend my graduation… T.T but I know that it would just remain as a mere dream… I wasn’t even able to tell him that I won as second place in a certain contest…  I don’t know what to do anymore… I will truly miss him…




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mydane #1 sure he's sad when he sees you happy.....he sure did his job on earth, he is happy in heaven
BubblyMe #2
:'( I hope you're ok unnie <3
kim_seul_young #3

I'm sorry to hear that someone you care about is now gone and is with God. I'm sure even of he's already gone his spirit and memory will never be erased in your heart. I agree with Angela-Zhang... continue to write and never give up on your dreams... so whenever he looks at you from heaven there's a proud smile on his face.
thank you guys for all the concern...
I'm really sorry to hear about this :( It definitely hurts to lose someone who is special to us, regardless of whether they are blood relatives or not. And your "grandfathers" sound like they were awesome people :)
I'm sure he will attend your graduation, even if he can't be there in body ^^ And you can always honor him with your continuation of writing; in never giving up on your dreams and loving those around you :)
I don't mean this in a depressing way, but sometimes, when I feel afraid of death that will eventually come to all of us, it is very comforting to think that someone who means so much has already gone before you. Surely, then, wherever we go when we die can't be such a bad place, if such wonderful people are there, too. And I'm sure that they will be waiting to greet us warmly, when our time comes :)
I send you hugs of condolence for your losses. <3
Don't cry.. He is happy now. That is all that matters. <|3
*hug* feel better :)) I'm sure he'll look after you :)) FIGHTING!!!!!
I'm so sorry!*hugs* I know you must be hurting greatly right now, but remember, sad times are only temperary and through all darkness there is a light that shines!!! So, stay strong and use the losses to gain strength and become a better and greater person!!! UNNIE (If I may call you that!) FIGHTING!!!
I am so very sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and feel better. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to be sad over him.
i'm so sorry for hearing that :(
i hope you be strong nae?? :)