application for 'darkest light' // (idol name)




put a gif of yourself up there ^ and down there in the about me. 

tips: pick a character which can portray iness. because this idol group isn't one of those ballads or whatnot. this is feisty kpop, it's a competition of the bravest and iest. prove to me that your idol deserves to be chosen + debuted in the group. even if you aren't chosen, don't lose hope; you can have a cameo/sub group. or if one member leaves, you can join. the app might look long but trust me, all other apps are the same.

►it's all about me.












idol name: (full)

stage name: (optional)


face claim: (check to see who's been taken)

nickname(s): (who calls her this)




height: (cm)

weight: (kg)

fashion style: [links please+description]

physical appearance: (outside looks+birthmarks, etc)

blood type: (optional, but preferred)

Likes: [6+]

dislikes:[6+ please make it interesting..]

hobbies: [3+]

habits: [2, interesting]

weaknesses: [3+]

other interesting facts: [intruige me]


personal fanclub name+color: (why)

trainee life: [2 para?]

trainee years: [can vary]

birth city+country:

languages: (english,korean,chinese,japanese,etc)

personality: [1 long para, or 2 short;5-9 sentences]

background:[do not make it stereotypical. 3 para or more]

family memebers: [sibling ages+parent names]

best friend: [one or two, from where? personality?]

friends: [only need 2-3; name/age/where]

rivals: [at least 2, name/group/age/persona/why?]

►my heart is dedicated to you

lover's name:


group (and entertainment company):

how long has it been?:


how you treat each other: (dialogue example? 5+ lines)

love rival:


group+entertainment (or occupation):



plot requests:

song requests:

subgroup? yes or no;

                                                                                                                  layout credit




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