Creeped out (beyond)

Hi it's another blog post here with yours truly! Now I don't know how kpop is in other areas but down in the south it's nothing to play with. Well at least when I went to a small get together hosted down here by so crazy avid fans. Imma going to tell you about my journey there and how it showed me and my bestie (whos not that into kpop) how messed up some fans are while we were there.



okaii first off I'm driving down to Jackson with my best friend before she heads off to basic training for this summer. As I merge into the place where we were told to stay someone damn near hits us to get to the parking spot. Now I'm a rage driver so of course I'm pissed beyond recogniztion. As I take the spot a car over from that car I run out the car door. Damn near broke my door from flining it open so damn hard. Okaii so here I am neck to neck with this Irish girl and I tell her off. Okaii alright everything there is settled. So me and my bestie meet up with my auntie so we can book our room since neither of us are 21. We get our room without hitch and relax for a good hour. Then all of a sudden I hear screaming and I'm not gonna lie I thought someone was hurt. Being in nursing school and all I rush out to see if anyone needed assistance but no they didn't. The man above us all knows that he didn't make some people right in the head. There was a Hispanic girl and a Caucasian girl infront of our door screaming. SCREAMING, at a poster of JYJ. And I'm like okaii it's not like they are here so I close my door. My friends looks at me like 'Wtf' and I just shake my head.


  So here comes the time where we all meet up at a small restaurant and chat and get to know each other. It's about two hand culls of us so we got a table big enough for all of us. I thought 'hey look at this I'm with a crowd of sane people now. They DO know how to act in public!' Boy was I ing wrong. The first thing they did was ask what groups do you like more and they divided up with the people they the most in common with. Now I'm not a person to just do this and I know I was out of place and so was my bestie. I liked all the groups they were naming I just wasn't apart of their fandom. So low and behold me my bestie and another girl sit together and chat it up! Not long after our food comes a big commotion starts up. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I need you to guess between two groups on who the arguement was about........... That's right tvxq and jyj. Girls were yelling the boys were squaring up ready to fight. I'm telling you I've never felt embarrassed for other people,but they made me. Security guards had to calm things down and it just left a bad impression on my bestie who was more of a fan of japanese culture and music instead of Korean.

   I felt horrible and so did the other girl (her name never to be disclosed). As we get back to the hotel we hear a big big crash and a car had stopped and hit another car because two girls were fighting yes fist fighting punches kicking over who was better at being cute (Junsu or Changmin). And I'm just like really come onnnnn here! I thought this event was to be about ALLLLLLL the ing kpop groups. But the bases of this trip was nothing but TVXQ and JYJ. I was feed up with all the bull. So I just asked our newly made friend did she just want to hang out with us and talk about things. She said greatly so. So for the remainder of the trip us three stuck together like glue and I intruduced her to some indie bands. 

  This long story short. Three people went to jail for being rowdy. es be crazy. A girl went home with a broken arm because she was caught up breaking up the wrong fight. es be crazy. I don't need any of those people meeting tvxq or jyj or any other kpop idol ever. es be crazy. I'm just mad I couldn't let my bestie enjoy something I enjoy so much. es be crazy. I'm going to go invest my time being indulged in japanese culture with my friend next summer. And I bet you these ES STILL GONE BE CRAZY. Ion see how they do it netizens and saesang psychos! They be ing crazy! *Flies away*




Comment if you've ever had an experience like this! I would love to here your stories and how I can deal with it next time. Thanks for reading my little crazy story!! :) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)     ( ^ω^ ) ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) <3


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