Eating Disorder.

Well Hey guys!

I think I have a eating disorder, for about a month nd a bit. As soon,as I finished eating, I feel like doing sick, then 10 mins later I'll have to crap. I don't have a high metabolism or anything.

not to mention my feet have been really dry lately. Its not my heels nd I don't think im dehydrated either since i've been drinking alot of water lately. Maybe I have some disease ohhhh~

Am I being paranoid? Nd someone called me fat today. I know the person didn't mean it in a bad way nd he is true. But it did hurt a little.

OH BTW. Do u guys want me to make a vlog ? Im going to the beach on the 22nd June with some family members. You might hear me talking Bengali XD ND only a few of my cousins know I have AFF nd I CAN'T tell my family that. So the vlog might b shizzle. XD WELL! Let me know what u think !? ;) XOXO


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highness_8 #1
Long time no talk my friend! And not to worry, I believe what you have on your hands is far from an eating disorder. Coming from a first hand experience, eating disorders are a lot more serious and when I had mine, and still have some what, I feel like not eating for the little reasons like "oh this piece of fruit is too much sugar" etc etc.
Mikanonikka #2
I don't think that's necessarily an eating disorder, I think this even more so because you've acknowledged it. You may have a stomach bug, they're always around....see the doctor if you're concerned. but unless you actually ARE puking up, it won't be a disorder.

Maybe just a tiny bit paranoid. This guy, whoever he is, just ignore him. Have more confidence in yourself, whether you're fat or not. People always used to pick on me, I was even bullied, because of my naturally curly hair and naturally tanned skin,it made me feel like crap. I had no confidence at all, but I eventually realised that these girls were the ones who looked exactly like each other; dyed blonde hair, brown roots, thin eyebrows, same makeup, same hairstlye, same bag, everything...And as soon as they take off their makeup...BAM! You have shrek. XD

Don't get yourself upset~~~~~
If you need someone to talk to personally, just inbox me :')