Kpop Fan Officemate!

I never had an officemate who is a Kpop fan~ There are people who knew a thing or two about some Kpop idols~ but not really following Kpop.


When she came to my house for the Xmas dance practice, she saw mg calendar and suddenly went like "Big Bang!"  I believe I stared at her in shock at that time, so I went like "You like Kpop?"  But after that, we really never talked anything about Kpop XD She was new to the company, so I still felt a bit awkward though I could see she's really a nice person considering how she helped me clean the house after our "costume rehearsal" in which the feathers kinda flew everywhere @_@ and in the end, those feathers weren't used at all~ ^^;;


I think we only started talking about a few weeks ago when we've become more comfortable with each other.  At first, she came to me to ask for help in her reports which kind of freaked me out considering that she's one of the top performers in the company and I'm just... well... fast XD (the top performers tend to be slow in their work since they try to perfect their reports thus their accuracy/grade is high, but when it comes to typing the amount of minutes, I'm pretty sure mine is higher than theirs ^^;;) and she's also a special case since she handles reports that won't go through editors but will go directly to the client instead.


So I help her out with her reports and then insert a bit of Kpop talk~ XD  She's really into Lee Hyori's Bad Girl right now~  I told her about EXO's Wolf so she checked it out and liked it.  When we talked more, I found out that she hadn't even watched EXO's Mama or History and was confused about the whole EXO-M and EXO-K thing, so I explained it to her.


She told me how she's more of a Teen Top and Infinite bias.  I told her that I'm more into SM groups, but there are other groups we like in common in between like Big Bang, 2Pm, and etc.  There was once we listed our Kpop favorite groups in our chatbox at the office XD


Today, I was really very sleepy at work today, so I messaged her.

Jishu:  Slap me! I'm soooo sleepy.

V:  Look at Lee Byunghun's body so that you'll be wide awake!

Jishu:  Is that what you're doing?!

V:  *blushing emoticon*

Jishu:  Actually, I'm looking at bodies here too... from different idols. BWAHAHHAHAHA!!!

V:  It's raining men!!!

Jishu:  *umbrella emoticon*

V:  Don't use the umbrella! We must catch these handsome guys!

Jishu:  Okay! I destroyed the umbrella.


I'm not much skinship either.  There's just really a few people that I'm comfortable with doing it.  I don't think I do skinship with hae_ki even and we're supposed to be close friends XD though we did see each other's butts (don't ask, it was some sort of nursing return demonstration) Usually, it's other people who hug me, but this officemate... makes me want to hug her and I did today o_o  It's rare for me to be the one to initiate a hug~  Because I was tired and sleepy and she came to me  and patted my head XD  Also, when we talk Kpop stuff, we tend to hold hands, squeezing it as we go "fangirling" 


Also, I have this editor... though she isn't into Kpop, she's into Korean dramas~ XD She always go like "Have you seen...?"  and on my part, I tell her "I really haven't watched Korean drama/movies lately."  The latest I've seen was "Wolf Boy" and "Sunny"  so I told her to watch those while she told me to watch "Hello Ghost"  I'll do that on my next day off.  Also, I told her I'm watching this American series "Arrow" lately, so she said she'll watch that too since I said it's nice.


Then there's this officemate who asked about Line being like Viber right? and I went like "Yes and that person endorsing that is the same guy endorsing Bench."  and she went like... "that was... Siwon?"  She wasn't sure about her pronunciation, then I googled on her computer and made her look at Siwon topless pictures. BWAHAHAHHAAHHA!!! And she went like.."Looks yummy!" and wipes imaginary saliva... hahahah!!! The guy seatmate looked and went like "I was like that in highschool" <-- obviously lying/joking. Hahaha!!!


So I'm glad I could get myself a bit of Kpop around the office~ XD 


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Lplokfstjdmkt ahahaha
u watch arrow??? Lol I've seen it once or twice
the dude was like I was like that in highschool lmao
It's always awesome and feels nice to have fellow Kpop fans around us~~ xD