Before you ask that question, read this first.


There will always be that person in youtube who would ask what the song was, who the artist was or which show the clips were taken from when the answers to their questions are already provided in the description of the vid, if not in the comments before theirs. 

Not only in youtube, you would meet them in facebook as well. You would see their comments in the most recent post but then, once again, what they were looking for was previously posted in that same page or some other user had commented about it already. 

We have them in AFF as well. Answers are in the question mark symbols and the FAQ. FAQ stands for FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. Almost, if not everything, you need to know about AFF is listed there.

And sadly, there would always be these group of people who would answer the questions. 

Questions in this post pertains to questions with objective answers. If it's an opinion you need to ask, go right ahead.


Just a tip from a person who answers questions:


Google is the go-to place. You even ask what karma points in AFF is for. LOL. Or how to hyperlink. Just try asking google, it's amazing.

Also, use Google Image search if you want to know where the photo was taken or who, what, is in the photo. Go to images. On the search bar, you will see a camera icon. Click it. And the either provide the url or upload the image. Enter. TADA! 

And if you are new to youtube, fb, aff or other online site, try hovering your cursor over words. If your cursor head changes, it's a link. Click it then read. 

It's okay to ask. But do so when you have searched for the answer but came up with none. Even answers to assignments can be found in Google. Not AFF, unless assignment is AFF/fangir/kpop-related.

Most importantly, don't believe everything you read online. 



Do you believe me?










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yes, I believe.
lol guilty of always answering people in the chatbox about info, profile questions, how to put pictures in fics, etc. lol

Someone, I felt was maybe trolling, but I answered anyway lol about how to write a fic lolol I did not want the anon feel unwelcomed lol

Sometimes, I'm too tolerant, maybe I should stop. lol

Oh, and by the way, they gave me nicknames in the chatbox, which are not so favorable, but I just let it be. Like Tart, Fart, Poop, Pooptart, Popfart, Pube, Puba, etc. Though I just let it be, it is starting to irritate me. Sigh