Jealous Friends and Getting Nowhere

Songs listened to while writing this

BTOB – Insane

2AM – Nervous

9th Street – Without Words

Arashi – Sakura Sake

F.T. Island – I Hope You’ll Be My Lover

G-Dragon – That XX

B1A4 – This Time Is Over

DBSK – Hahaha Song

Dalmatian – That Man Opposed


I honestly haven’t written in a long time and I’m truly sorry for that. I guess you were all wondering what was going on between me and Puppy? Maybe? Yes? No? Either way, nothing has happened, haha. Although sometimes, I do think that he does like me. So I apologize in advance if this is really long, but there’s a lot of stuff to cover on things that have happened the past week and a half. And yes, I’m only covering a week and a half, haha.


And yes, my college days are coming to a close, so that means that I won’t be able to see Puppy. I don’t even know if I’ll ever see him again because I go to a school that is on the quarter system, and has a co-op program integrated within the course. Puppy is fall/winter co-op. I’m spring/summer. We’re on different cycles, which means that I have no idea if I’ll be able to see him because I…just don’t know.


We do have each other’s phone numbers, so maybe we’ll contact each other, but right now…I don’t know. But sometimes I do think that he likes me. I mean, today was my biology final, which I have to say is probably the easiest college final that I will ever take. Anyway, Puppy and I just so happen to be in the same room since our last names are close enough together by the way that they organize the rooms to take the exam, well at least this particular exam because seriously…who alphabetizes names for an exam? Normally the other subjects do recitation section or lab section numbers, but biology is the different one and does things alphabetically.


But Puppy and I were in the same room for that exam, as we had been for the midterms too. Normally, before, Puppy would always leave if he got done before me. I mean, it was understandable since the exams were on a Friday and normally people have class, well depending when you schedule things. But Puppy had a class on Fridays after our exam, normally. However, since it’s finals week, the only thing that’s happening is finals.


Anyway, as he was walking up to leave the room, I was going down to turn in my exam to the proctors. I was expecting for him to be gone as soon as I came out because well, why would you stay after an exam? But he was standing there. My roommate and I had gotten done at the same time, since we were in the same room, too, and we were going to go over to talk to the group of friends that we knew that were waiting over where Puppy was. I just automatically assumed that Puppy was just standing over there and talking to them after the test, you know, to see how everyone did.


But as soon as he saw me, he came up to me and told me that I should go with him.


It wasn’t really like speaking telling me that I should go with him, it was more of just pointing towards the door and telling me to walk first. But still, I thought it was strange, and I thought that maybe the others standing there would misunderstand our relationship with one another since basically Puppy was just waiting for me to finish so we could walk back to the dorm together.


Then the entire time that we were walking back, his hand kept brushing up against mine. Normally when we would walk back from biology recitation, the only class that we had together this term, our hands wouldn’t touch each other at all. We’d just walk back to the dorm together and talk about random things. One of conversation, of which was last Thursday, our last biology recitation together, was very interesting.


I’ve mentioned her countless times, the nameless neighbor that lives across the hall. Maybe I should rename her to Jealous Neighbor… I’ve had experiences in the past of other girl students not liking me, they didn’t go as far as bullying me, but it was clear that I was not their cup of tea, because of me being friends with other guys. Right now, I think that the nameless neighbor, or now known as the JN standing for Jealous Neighbor, is no different.


I think that JN likes Puppy. It doesn’t matter whether she has a boyfriend or not. I think that she feels attracted to him, that she has a crush on him. Whatever it may be, I have absolutely no idea because she doesn’t say anything about it. Still, though, I think that she may not like me because of Puppy. It’s not my fault that I just easily make friends with guys.


Lately, though, it seems like JN keeps wanting to outdo me. Whatever I say and whatever I do, she attempts to outdo me by saying something that she knows or something that she’s done when I’ve done nothing to provoke this behavior. There was one example of Puppy being in our hallway one day.


“Hey, --- I saw Puppy today,” JN told me.

“Yea, I know, he came into my room afterwards,” I responded back, to which she didn’t say anything. It’s not my fault that he comes to me for computer science help, it’s not my fault at all. And that’s why he came into my room, for computer science help.


But I’m just going to shorten this saying that I think that she’s jealous of me because of that. She always has to ask me questions about Puppy, because I think she just assumes that I just know everything about him, or that he just tells me everything about him so I can relay the information to her. Whenever we’re going to go eat or do something, she always asks if we want to go to his room, to ask him to come with us, to see what he’s doing.


And it’s that exact thing that I told Puppy last Thursday. I think he already knew that JN asked about him…a lot, like you can’t go a full conversation with her without her mentioning something about him. He knew about her already doing that, but he didn’t know that it was to the extent that it was. I mean, she even went home one weekend and texted me asking me if I spoke to him that day. It’s like creepy, she’s just a major creeper on Puppy.


So me, making the mistake once again, of mentioning about the above incident of him waiting for me and walking back to the dorms and possibly having people misunderstand us, I think brought out the jealousy in her. She didn’t lash out at me or anything, nope, nothing of the sort. She just kept saying that that was the way that he acted and that people just don’t understand him. She kept saying it over and over like she just wanted to convince herself that there is a possibility that he doesn’t like me because I’m pretty sure that she likes him, which isn’t very good considering that she has a boyfriend.


But still, there are things that set me apart from JN, though, I think for his mind.


I mean, he and I actually eat together and walk back from classes. We actually talk about normal things, not that he and her don’t talk about normal things, but most of the time they only talk about school. He asks me to do favors for him, I can stay in his room for more than a minute, he doesn’t roll his eyes at me. There are other things that I can’t think of, too, though.


In the end, I just think that JN is jealous of me because of him…


Also, that last Thursday, Puppy used my phone to send her a picture, at first he was going to send it to my brother, but I told him that he should send it to someone that’s actually here and not a family member. Thus, we landed and ended up sending it up JN. It was a picture in cursive, since Puppy actually doesn’t know how to write cursive I asked him if he would be able to read it, which was my name in my mom’s handwriting.


So we sent the picture to her and we played it off saying that it wasn’t him that sent it, which was the first thing she thought. Why couldn’t I send her a picture of that? Why does it have to be Puppy that sends her a picture?


Anyway, we were going on for the longest time and at one point, she actually believed that it was me that was sending it since she wrote how she was sorry if it was me sending the message and then she sent a frowny face because my dad was coming to pick me up for my younger sister’s graduation from high school and he was calling so we couldn’t reply on my phone for a couple of minutes. But she was seriously tricked. Puppy and I both know that she was tricked.


Yet she won’t admit it.


She states that she knew the entire time that it was Puppy, but I have the text message that has doubt in her mind that it actually is Puppy doing that. She seriously thought I was mad at her because she didn’t believe me. What more proof do I need?


So this is getting a little long. Maybe I’ll write another one that focuses on the ending of my freshman year of college. But as of right now, Puppy and I are still where we were before, good friends, but I think that we’ve gotten to the stage of being better friends with one another. I don’t know if something else will happen in the future, but I don’t think that anything will happen right now, there are only two days left until we won’t see each other again. If anything’s going to happen, it’s probably too late for that.


So I’ll end this here. I have to get back to studying about Jacobians and triple integrals for my math final tomorrow. Math 200, Calculus 4. This is not fun at all.


And for those of you that don't know, I have a twitter!!

it's @thesuitelife547. I'm so creative, aren't I? 


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