I have a dream

That one day I will make SHINee fanart buttons/fanart book and sell it to people :iconwipetearsplz:

Technically I just wanna sell an art book and have money.... man... If only I could do it soon and repay my parents kkk

I just hope people will buy it, or at least show interest ;w; :iconusmileplz: I wanna find a nice shop that will help me with that small dream.

It's just a dream though, its not my biggest goal :iconsatoshineplz:

(My biggest dream is to make my own manga heheh)
(okay and be fluent in japenese and korean)

Okay I'll go now ^^



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elsa_haha #1
i'd so buy everything!!! man you r a GENIUS!!!!
you can do it!
Good luck!
God bless!