
Ok I need to ask you guys something? Should my family sue the school because they lost my iPod? They took it away in September but it's now June and they say they don't have my iPod. Should we sue the school the same amount my iPod costs, $200?


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wheres-my-cookie #1
Yep, I think you should. If they took anything away, it should be their responsibility to look after it. And now they've lost it.
Why didn't they have a meeting with your parents in the first place and give it to them personally instead of you??? They could've just done that and now it's lost! What kind of school is that?! If I know... One of the staff there took it already and is now enjoying you ipod...

You don't need to sue BUT LET THEM PAY FOR IT!!!! it's not their right to confiscate your things and just LOSE it after a few months! Tsk...tsk...
sue! haha... they have no rights to say just like they lost it and nothing more..
Yep. Go sue. And in my experience, the school will have to give you more xD
Yes u should! If they took it away they should rightfully return it as well >:(
Don't let the school look down on you. First you should firmly took to the principle then bring it to the superintendent and THEN sue though. I hope u get either ur iPod or ur money dear ^^
I hope I helped ... A bit at least xD