Getting Closer & Making New Friends

I was thinking that it would be nice to start this blog to get closer to people here on AFF.

I was just thinking about talking to people. See how you guys are doing and share thoughts.

I would really like to get to know you all better.

How was your day today? Let me know.



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Thanks... for adding me,...
My day was really tiring... -_-
I just finish preparing my Japan Speech for tomorrow festival... -_-
Hey thanks for adding me!!
My day today? hurrrmmmmm

Okay, my sis is actually home now with my baby niece. Apparently my baby niece is sick.
But she is still freaking hyper despite the feverish body and stuffs... hahaha so adorable.
I helped my sis taking care of her and played with her, so it kinda tiring.

She loves attacking my notebook, so I cannot online whenever she's awake. If not she will start banging my notebook like it is some kind of a drum.

All in all, that's pretty much it. Taking care of my hyper cutie sick niece. Hope she get well soon.